Can CO2 marking machine mark ceramics?-Elena

Ceramic materials.

Ancestors invented pottery in the Neolithic, about 8,000 years before Christ. The main component materials are oxides, nitrides, borides and carbides, etc. And the most common materials are clay, alumina, kaolin and etc. Ceramic materials are generally harder, but less flexible. Not only applying in making cans and crafts, but also plays an important role in the development with the science and technology.

The characteristics of ceramics.

The original material of the ceramic comes from a large amount of natural clay. While the nature of the clay is ductile and malleable when it meets water at normal temperature, slightly dry can be carved, all dry can be polished. If put it into fire to toast, at 700 ℃ so that the pottery can hold water, already 1230 ℃ that it hardly absorbs water and can resist high temperatures and corrosion. Therefore, its use has various creative applications with today’s culture and technology.

The machine can marks on many aspectos.

The CO2 laser marking machine can mark in a very detailed way: for example, crockery, tea set, pots, jars, bowl, jars, plates, saucer, bowls and etc. Ceramics of art (crafts): for example, vases, sculptures, garden ceramics, utensils, furniture and etc. Intustrial ceramics: refers to the ceramic products used in various industries.Also mark in the following 6 aspects: building ceramics: bricks, drain, tiles and etc. Chemical ceramics: various types of ceramics used in containers, tubes, towers, pumps, valves, bricks and etc.

Others informations

XT laser can offer you many kinds of machine that not only can mark on ceramics. Different machine with different power will gives you a surprised result. Welcome to contect us:


Laser marking of fruit and vegetables-kalyn

Laser marking of fruit and vegetables

For sharp and clear laser marking in 4 steps:

· Laser marking 1st step: import your design, logo or text into the  software

· 2nd step: place the fruit, vegetable or piece of meat to be marked on the marking surface

· 3rd step: launch the marking, the laser doesn’t cut through the skin of the product, which retains its flavour, quality and fragrance

· 4th step: remove your laser marked products.

Congratulations, you have reduced your carbon footprint by 98%!

The XT CO2 laser is a real substitute to ink jet marking. As efficient for marking on the fly as it is for stop and go, it lets you mark any type of piece or material reacting to CO2 technology.


Equipment required:

1.Fruit, vegetable, meat etc..

2.Design, logo, text to mark


Machine and software used:

1. 30 W CO2 laser engraving machine

Laser marking of fruit and vegetables

Mini CO2 laser machine

At last,if you have any confused of machine,welcome to contact XT LASER:

Sales Manager: Kalyn

Mobile/   Skype:+86 189853368889

How can I engrave metals with a laser machine?-Bunny

Many people ask us if metals can etch with their CO2 machines. And the answer is, yes, it is possible to engrave metals with a CO2 machine. And with a process of applying special paints that react chemically at the time the machine does the engraving. But it is not the best way to do it and it is not the cheapest way. In this blog we will explain the best way to engrave metals.

What kind of chemical can I use to burn metals with CO2?
There are several types of chemicals that use for the marking of metals in CNC CO2 machine, the most recognized are: Cermark, Thermark, Enduramark and LaserBond 100. Being Cermark the first brand to know for marking metal in laser machines. All and each one has a solution for the engraving of metals, either in the form of paste to apply on the metal, from formula to prepare and apply to spray cans. This type of chemical solution is one of the best but its price is quite expensive, however its finish. And its speed of both drying and working  not as optimal as the engravings that can make with fiber optic laser machines.

1) The types of metals that I can engrave.

There are several types of metals to engrave. But the most common metals to engrave on a CO2 CNC machine are: Stainless steel, Steel, aluminum, some anodized metals, copper and brass.

These metals being the most common to work and the best results obtained in the final work. Although there are more types of materials and other types of alloys in which the final result is not going to be optimal or directly can not record as per example silver gold among others.

2) Certain metal materials can etch directly without chemicals

Metals such as anodized steel and aluminum, are the very common metals found in P.O.P advertising items such as pens, USB drivers. And even some cell phones, among other anodized metal products. These metals have a paint that can be removed with the CO2 Laser machine. But they have the limitation of the base color, since the laser machine can remove a large amount of paint but cannot remove all the paint. This generates that the work done with the anodized metals are left with a small case of the color of the material. For example: assuming that we are going to engrave a dog plate in red anodized aluminum, after having engraved it. The name of the dog and all the contact details of the owner are going to Having a reddish color throughout the recorded area. Therefore the engraving will not have a totally clear and clean effect.

3) The best metal to burn with CO2 is steel

Stainless steel is the best material to work engraved on a CNC CO2 machine, since this material has less capacity of thermal coefficient compared to aluminum. This means that the light beam not reflect as if reflect by aluminum. When the beam of light generated by the machine not reflect, it means that it stays longer in the metal. So it can burn with a darker color and better quality.

Is there another cheaper way to burn metals with a CO2?

On this question there are many answers and many suggestions of what type of chemical can use. But not all of them are effective and you can run the risk that the machine does not etch the metal or that the machine suffers damage due to reflection of the Do in the lens. One of the products use to engrave metal in a cheaper way is the CRC Dry Moly Lube. This chemical which is a dry lubricant for high friction parts, works in a fairly good way on stainless steel. But does not work in the same way on aluminum, copper or brass as its similar chemicals created specifically for engraving on metal. The brasso also use as an alternative, which is a metal shine. These two options normally use as alternatives to “Official metal engraving chemicals”. It should remember that its use to engrave metal is only on stainless steel. Since other metals such as copper when cleaned or with alcohol, the engraving easily comes out of metal.

Can you erase the engraving over time?

A well-engraved metal engraving with the correct working parameters. And the correct material does not have to erase from the metal. Even a chemical etching on a smooth metal should not  erase. Even if the chemist is a non-„official“ one the CRC Dry Moly Lube (in stainless steel). Because the engraving on the metal is usually an engraving with a slow speed and a tube power considered high. The only way to erase an engraving on metal, is by passing a sandpaper to polishing metal. This being the only really effective way to erase or fade an engraving made on a CO2 machine with chemical process.

Parameters are also very important.

Returning to the previous point and especially the fact that the metal has reflective capabilities. One of the secrets for a better result correct engraving parameters and a clear and good design. But above all a good parameter setup makes a big difference. Between an engraving on metal that erase in a very easy way to one that not erase from the metal, the latter even applies to low wattage machines.

Laser marking machines manufacturer- XTLASER- Bonnie

Laser marking machines manufacturer- XTLASER

Laser marking machines manufacturer,  XTLASER, also supplies laser welding machines and service for those machine.
Fiber laser marking machine like 20 watt, 30 watt, 50 watt, 60 watt fiber lasers and 100 watt, can mark on all the metal.
Co2 lasers can mark all kinds of organic materials .

Laser applications:

For example,

like car spare parts marking, promotional items marking, medical instruments marking,  and laser colour marking on stainless steel, all kinds of metals, steel, aluminium, gold, silver, plastic animal ear tags, guns and spare parts etc.

That is to say, all the metal, and organic materialas.

Laser marking machines manufacturer XTLASER supply fiber lasers as oem, table type and with cabinet.

We also apply different automation to lasers.

AS XTLASER Laser marking machines manufacturer, we have been established in 2004, our group is dealing with lasers 16 years.

Types of fiber lasers: OEM System fiber laser marking machine

laser marking machine


Laser marking machines manufacture

Laser marking machines manufacture

In conclusion,  xtlaser in laser marking machine manufacturer, can provide all kinds of laser marking machines.

XTLASER is at the top of our game and is the best.

Therefor, you get the best equipment, and you keep it well-maintained.

As a result,  you can make the product at a good price and great quality.


Table types for laser engraving and cutting machine-Bunny

In this infographic we want to show you the different work tables types that exist in the laser engraving and cutting machines that we have, as well as the advantage of each of them according to the material or application that you want to work.


The flatness of the table to achieve a quality result is the most important. If, in addition, it incorporates grooves for fastening by vacuum, it will allow us to easily fix the material, especially the thin ones such as paper or sheets. Adjustable lower and upper suction.


The purpose of these slats is that when cutting the material, it suspend, and the laser beam does not find obstacles in the cut. The bars can relocate depending on the material to work, in addition to supporting more load weight.


Table with millimeter margins, completely flat to record all kinds of materials. It also has automatic height adjustable for greater adjustment of the focal length, which translates into high quality results.


This type of tables, with metal structure, helps to work with fine paper / cardboard, marquetry, textile, leather, etc. These materials remain flat on the entire surface, in addition to preventing the detachment of small remnants.


Exclusive accessory for the GCC Laserpro range. This drawer allows the standard table to be adapted to a cutting table, with lower suction. The position of the movable supports with magnetic base can modify, so that it adjusts to the needs of the cut, avoiding the reflection of the laser beam. The great advantage of this table is that the cutting grid can place on the top, leaving it in an aspirating mode, thus fixing the material to work.

The great Marking Effect by Laser Marking Machine-Wendy

The great Marking Effect by Laser Marking Machine

The great marking effect by laser marking machine.

We often use laser marking machine to print permanent codes on various products.

It is the economic system to determine the marking and coding on the parts of the manufactured components.

Laser marking technique getting more and more popularity in the present printing field.

Due to its exclusive features and we can use it in different materials. such as metal, steel, rubber, plastic, leather, wood, glass and much more with low-cost marking.

The best part about this Fiber Laser Marking Machine is that it saves the labor as well as requires minimal maintenance.

1.Get to know more details about the laser marking machine

There are different technologies of laser marking machine like Fiber, Green, Carbon dioxide (CO2), DPSS, etc.

The well-manufactured machines are popular for its performance, quality and of course zero maintenance among people.

The dependable manufacturer uses the original Engine Parts Laser Laser Marking Machine.

It mainly for manufacturing their machines to bring people the best quality.

They are well suitable for your environment as well as comfortable .

So as to automate that will surely help you to save money, energy and time.

The machine helps to print out permanent printing with Batch Lot No. and MRP.

The method provided by the machine provides benefits over the technologies.

It include marking quality, fewer consumables, and permanent printing.

Various technologies work with advanced procedures which are beneficial.

For example- The machine having CO2 marking machine in assorted outputs to point out a range of applications and substrates.

Laser markers have different touchscreen controller. Different speeds, and clarity that are engineered to cut down the coding system.

This helps in minimizing both the cost and investment.

The fiber laser marker is best for metal and plastic marking.

The best part about these machines is that they can integrate into automations.

They help in picking, printing, placing. Sticking and removing on automated linear.

These machines also consume very less power in comparison to others.

They are used for different fields with increased needs in precision, smoothness, and depth.

People can utilize fiber laser marking machine for engraving both metallic materials and the non-metallic.


A laser cutter, through the technology used for its operation, offers a wide range of cutting possibilities in a wide range of materials. When using this machine there are practically no limits on designs in cuts, being able to make very complex cuts with great precision quickly. So the time and money invest in the production of pieces of different characteristics is less than if we use other tools cutting

To understand the operation of a laser cutting machine it is necessary that we first define what a laser cutter is.

A laser is a device design to concentrate a light beam at a specific point; It consists of a pair of mirrors, an active medium that allows amplifying the light (in solid, gaseous or liquid state) and a beam of light or electric current that will give energy to the active medium. The name of this device is light amplification by stimulate emission of radiation, laser for its acronym in English (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation). And today has many industrial, medical and telecommunications applications.

The laser is usually locat on the back of the cutting machines and emits a beam of light towards a series of mirrors that are responsible for reflecting the beam to the laser head where the light will direct down. Before the light leaves the machine, it goes through an active medium that is responsible for amplifying the beam. In CO2 machines, carbon dioxide is the medium that performs this task. While in other equipment a neodymium dope yttrium aluminum garnet lens (Nd YAG) use to amplify the light beam.

The materials with which these equipments manufacture can vary. And although the best mirrors and lenses with which they can equip are of diamond and gold. Due to the high costs of these materials it is rare that they use. Instead, silicon mirrors and zinc or germanium selenurium lenses use, which are as resistant and effective as gold and diamond.

As we mentioned, a laser cutting machine allows complex designs to achieve with high precision. This is because the laser has the ability to move along any path at high speed.

In addition, depending on the cutting power of the equipment, various medium density materials can cut. These equipments currently have an automated operation thanks to the CNC (numerical control by computer) that allows. In addition to maintaining a constant distance between the surface of the material. And the light emitter, to program commands that control the speed. And the design to follow according to the needs of each cut and material.

To cut the materials the laser concentrates the light beam on a point that vaporizes by thermal energy. For this reason, some people have the belief that using a machine of this type can damage the materials by heat.  However, thanks to its precision, the heat directe only to the point that you want to cut at a high speed. Which is why There is no risk of damaging the part if the equipment use correctly.

At this point it is important to mention that although a laser machine is simple to control. It is necessary that the person who operates it receives training from a specialist to use the equipment. Which will prevent damage to the machine and cutting materials. And will contribute that the user is safe and can take full advantage of the equipment.

why price is expensive than others of laser marking machine ?-Ivy

When you are looking for fiber laser marking machine,you can find different price in China market easily. But the price is very differ,how could we chose machine? why price is expensive than others of laser marking machine ? take an examples for XTLASER.

We involved in this market more than 15 years,also know the market well,haha. why xtlaser price is higher?

*Company history:

XTLASER was founded in 2004 years,involved in all series laser machine,includes laser marking,engraving,cutting,welding also cleaning.

*laser source:
Laser source is main parts of full machine,like engine of the car,we choose real Raycus laser source,best brand in China also famous in the world,here is their website:,if needed,you can check it. Here is the pic of laser source :

* EZCAD Control board
In China market,many supplier use copy software,original one can support win7/8/10,can update at any times,that is difference in the function,from the appearance,here are the pics of two types:

Original Ezcad: support win7/8/10,64bits Copy control board:support win 7,32 bits

* 2D working table:
This 2D working table can adjust X and Y axis (Front and Back,left and right),that is more easily for us to mark on small parts material,do not need use hand to move.

XTLASER Other brand

*LED lamp:

Every detail is designed to take customer’s feeling into consideration.


It is our standard spare parts for each machine 🙂

* Red pointer:
As we know,the machine need focus,there will have two methods to find it:
1) using one test material,when the light more bright,will be on focus
2)machine will have two red pointer,when two pointer become one,will be one focus,here is the videos:

* Warranty:
XTLASER provided three years warranty for full machine,if some parts broken within warranty,if not human damage,we will pay for the delivery cost for change and repair broken parts.

*After sales service:
We have online after sales department, they will help you learn and operate the machine,also,am often stay up to midnight,.so if any questions of the machine,we can response you in time.


We know that today, the more efficient your production, the greater the productivity. That is why a laser cutter is your great ally when it comes to dealing with day-to-day processes.
A laser cutter is a very dynamic machine that will allow you to expand your range of customers. Because you can use it for different industries and under different processes. Do you want to know more about what you will achieve with a laser cutter? We invite you to continue reading this blog.

Laser cutter, indispensable for crafts

If your business focus on crafts, you know that innovation is an indispensable weapon that will allow you to satisfy the taste of the audience.
However, we also know that changes and handling of materials can become a real headache. Especially when you have very fast delivery times. We will analyze in more detail through 3 examples of materials.

What is the ally of acrylic, wood and fomi?

Example 1.

Normally when a craft with some type of acrylic production require, it is common to resort to a cutting and subsequent process. The material rework with sanding processes to achieve a correct finish. With a laser cutter the process simpler. Because it is cutting and cauterizing at the same time, so the finish left in the acrylic perfect, and not require reprocessing.

With a laser cutter you can save up to 40% in production costs. Simply because of its efficiency and versatility in operation.

Example 2.

When it require to cut thin wood, a jigsaw use, or with any other type of mechanical cutter. But this will be a slow, non-automated process and is subject to the pulse of the person making the cut. On the contrary, with a laser cutter you simply leave the wood in the work bed and the laser cutter will do the work in a 100% automated way. Make the cuts with precise measurements and with a practically perfect finish. Even, according to the parameters that demand to the craft, they can left special finished.

Example 3.

Another material that highly use for crafts, is the fomi.
This one usually cut with scissors, but that requires a lot of time and effort on the part of the person making the cut. With the laser cutter, these cuts made in a matter of seconds and with precision that not achieve manually. The equipment allows to add the correct parameters and the result is highly optimal, without errors and in a matter of seconds.

In XT LASER we are experts in the manufacture of laser cutters, which fit your needs according to the operation of your turn. Our commercial team is intimately familiar with the most optimal processes for entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs and will offer you the best implementation of the team regarding your plans.

CO2 laser marking machines-Ivy

There are two types of CO2 laser marking machines, one is a CO2 RF tube laser marking machine, and the other is a CO2 glass tube laser marking machine. What are the differences between them, so how to choose is more reasonable?

First, The effect of CO2 laser marking machine:

CO2 RF tube laser marking machine is 0.07mm fine spot, more than 3 times finer than glass tube, high precision, small heat diffusion area, can mark very fine products.

Carbon dioxide laser marking machine is mainly used in food, medicine, wine, electronic components, integrated circuits (IC), electrical appliances, mobile phone communications, building materials, PVC pipe and other industries. CO2 laser marking machine and inkjet printer have the main advantages over No consumables and durability.

Second, the performance of CO2 laser marking machine:

1. The RF tube of the carbon dioxide laser marking machine is a fully sealed metal tube, which uses a low voltage power supply of 30 volts, which directly avoids some of the disadvantages cause by the use of high voltage power supplies.

2. The domestic glass tube laser cutting machine uses a high-voltage power supply of 10,000 volts or even higher. In addition to instability, there is a certain degree of danger. Long-term work makes the power supply easy to age, and it has a lot of control Interference, such as improper operation, can easily damage the motherboard, and it is more likely to  affect by voltage and damage its normal function.

Third, CO2 laser marking machine life:

1. CO2 RF tube laser marking machine life can reach more than 25000 hours, generally can use for 4-6 years.

2. The glass tube laser marking machine can only work for about 2500 hours. Generally, a glass tube is replaced in half a year. The users have to replace that.