How to Align a Laser Cutting Machine or Laser Cutter-Bunny

To properly align the mirrors of a laser cutter or a laser engraver you have to understand some concepts. It all comes down to knowing the components involved in the process. And understand how the laser beam is transported from the laser tube to the material we want to work.

We will define a glossary to understand each other throughout the tutorial:

Optical Components / Supplies:

Laser tube: It is the glass tube that is in the machine. Within it the laser medium (the laser beam) is generated. This component is an input that is changed when the gas inside is exhausted.

A – Mirror 1: It is the mirror that is next to the laser tube.

B – Mirror 2: It is the mirror that is at the tip of the bridge.

C – Mirror 3: It is the mirror that is at the top of the head.

D – Lens: It is located in the head, more precisely in the nozzle, near the peak. It is the component that focuses the laser beam at a point that is very small (less than 1/2 mm), it is also where the laser beam burns with greater power.

Component Stands
E – Tube supports: They are the ones that support the tube, they are below it. They can be adjustable or fixed.

F – Mirror stands: They are the ones that hold the mirrors. They are 3 different supports but the function is the same to hold the laser mirrors and also have the mirror regulators.

G – Lens support / Nozzle: It is an aluminum spout located in the head. Inside it is the focus lens, which is held by a nut.


H – Mirror regulators: these are screws with counter nut that move the mirrors to adjust the trajectory of the laser beam. They can be two or 3 depending on the model.

I – Mirror support regulators: these are screws that adjust the supports of the mirrors to the structure of the machine. IMPORTANT: These should rarely be touched because a minimum movement of them radically changes (moves a lot) the path of the laser beam. This can incur physical damage to people and lightning can leave the machine.

J – Tube support regulators: they are used to raise or lower the tube in order to level the output of the laser beam.

The Optical Circuit, Laser Beam Transport

The optical circuit is all of the components mentioned above, through these the laser beam is transported until it reaches the material.

For proper alignment it is necessary to understand that from the laser tube to the focusing lens, the laser beam must go straight, bouncing in the center of the mirrors and passing through the center of the lens. This should be the same throughout the work area.

If the tube is uneven horizontally or vertically, the laser beam will be misaligned from the beginning and it will be very difficult to align it with the mirrors.

Between the mirror Nº 1 and the mirror Nº 2 the laser beam is aligned on the entire Y axis of the machine; that is from back to front and vice versa throughout the table.

Between the mirror Nº 2 and the mirror Nº 3 the laser beam is aligned on the entire X axis of the machine; that is from left to right and vice versa throughout the table.

Between the mirror No. 3 and the lens, the perpendicularity of the laser beam is aligned with respect to the lens and the material.

Symptoms that My Machine Needs Alignment

Although they can mean another type of damage. These 3 points are indicators that the alignment of mirrors of our laser machine need to be verified:

The laser cutting machine cuts in some parts of the work area and not in others.
The impact of the laser beam against the material leaves a shadow.
The machine does not cut with the power and speed it should.
Well now that we have more information on how the optical circuit works. And what are the parts we will start the calibration process.

We recommend using a power from medium to low, between 50% and 20% of the laser beam to do the tests. When the power is lowered to the laser beam the „diameter“ of the beam is smaller. And its power too, so we will have a smaller and more accurate brand.

To verify where the laser beam impacts on the mirrors, depending on the type of mirror support your machine has. You should use paper tape. Or cut acrylic glass with paper tape attached to the mirror supports.

This is because in some media when putting tape. This is very close to the mirror and when the beam is fired the tape burns and dirties the mirror. In other cases there are supports that have a „perforated profile“ that is separated from the mirrors. Thought just to put tape and not dirty the mirror.

Laser Cutting Machines With Beam Combiner Technology-Bunny

Today we are going to share information about laser cutting machines with beam combiner technology.

It is important to know what it is when selecting your future Co2 laser engraving or cutting machine. If your laser equipment has a Beam Combiner it will simplify the method of alignment of mirrors (inevitable and sometimes complicated process for new users). It also simplifies the work when referring to printed marks. More than one user of Co2 laser cutting machine will save a headache.

The vast majority of laser cutting machines usually come with a laser pointer that locate on the head, usually near the tip. It use to take position and size references, for example to sure that the design that we want to cut and / or engrave enters the material. Check that we have the measurements well, position the head with printed references, etc.
These „traditional“ pointers went down in history thanks to Beam Combiner technology.

What is a Beam Combiner?
It is a partial reflector that combines two or more light waves of different lengths in a single path. One in transmission and another in reflection.
They are made of ZnSe (zinc selenide) or Ge (germanium) and optimally coate to transmit infrar light and reflect visible light.
In this way it allows us to combine the light emitted by the laser pointer. And the high-power laser beam emitted by the tube.

A traditional pointer must regulate by hand every time the material thickness change. Making a laser shot and moving it so that the light matches it. A cumbersome process.
With Beam Combiner the beam of the pointer comes out the same place as the laser beam of the tube, it has no moving parts, it is always perfectly regulated.
Simplify the alignment process. Enough of that tedious task of shooting all over the table to see where the laser beam hits. The pointer is always on, its light follows the same path as the laser beam, that is, when calibrating and adjusting the regulators we will see how the light of the pointer moves immediately (bye to change tapes!).

What are the Most Common Issues with Cheap Laser Engraving Machines?-lisa

What are the Most Common Issues with Cheap Laser Engraving Machines?-lisa

Any item that sells with a big price range usually has a corresponding quality range associated with it. And when you purchase a cheap laser engraver for a few hundred dollars, you have to expect that it won’t be long before things start to break down. Here are some of most common complaints we heard about cheap laser engraving machines.

Laser Doesn’t Cut Some Materials 

– Smaller and cheaper laser engraving machines use smaller and cheaper lasers. And it’s obvious that a less powerful laser is less effective at engraving. Still, many cheap laser engravers don’t live up to the standards they advertise. Just because a company says that their laser can cut through materials that are 1/2-inch thick, doesn’t mean it can cut through any material with this thickness. Materials like acrylic and soft lumber may work great, but plywood and MDF which contain glue could prove a challenge for a weak laser.

Laser Not Powerful Enough

– Cheap laser cutters frequently advertise the wattage of the laser they use, with figures ranging from 100W down to 50W or even less. Sneaky companies may advertise “1500mW” instead of “1.5W”, using the larger figure to make it seem like the laser is more powerful. If you’re primarily using paper as a material, a 1.5W laser might work, but it won’t work for much else. We’ve also heard stories of 50W lasers that really only output 32W of power – you’d be lucky to slice a loaf of bread with that.

Laser Produces Excessive Scorching 

– Laser engraving is essentially burning the surface of the material. It produces a lot of heat and debris, which can leave the surface of your materials with undesirable and unsightly scorch marks. By focusing a stream of compressed air where the laser meets the material, quality engraving machines achieve smoother cuts, fewer smoke deposits and less scorching, but this feature is almost never present in cheap engraving machines. As a result, it’s difficult to get quality engraving done on wood, acrylic, or paper with a cheap machine.

Software Incompatible with Life

– Every artist, whether they be a painter, sculptor, or graphic designer, is naturally limited by their medium. If you’re producing incredible designs in CAD or Adobe Illustrator. You may be surprised to find that your cheap new laser engraving systems comes with its own much simpler design software. That leaves you with two options: either you can learn to use a simpler. And less feature-rich version of the design software you know and love. Or you can try to import your existing designs into this application you’ve never heard of. In hopes that the engraving machine software can figure out what to do with it. Either way, you’re jumping through hoops and potentially losing the opportunity to produce your best work.

Laser Engraver Breaks Constantly

– If you’re spending under $1000 on a laser engraving machine, you need to understand the important features that are missing,. Many of the important components will be cheaply sourced, poorly made and prone to damage. Unless you’re a skilled technician, you’ll find it near impossible to figure out what broken. Whether you can fix it, and what steps are required. Be prepared to open your wallet again for repairs.. Or to park the machine in the attic with the rest of your junk.

Non metal material laser marking machine-Wendy

Non metal material laser marking machine

Following will introduce the non metal material laser marking machine.

Now i would like to introduce you our newest model of laser engraving machine in 2019.

advantages of fiber laser over other types

advantages of fiber laser over other types

It equips with newest laser technology and advanced screen. It will extend the using life of laser machine.  And it will become easier to control.

Excellent beam quality

The optical fiber laser uses the medium mixed yb double-clad fiber with resonant cavity length.

So the beam quality is very good. And M2 value is 1.1. The output flare diameter can achieve 10 microns.

Excellent beam quality can ensure that optical fiber laser marking machine can get in a variety of material satisfying marking effects.

Meanwhile it is widely applied in most metal marking industries (such as brass, titanium, steel, iron, aluminum and so on)

and non metal materials like cloth, fabric, PVC, MDF, leather, acrylic, plastic and etc.

Laser long service life

Optical fiber laser marking machine use 1064 nm laser diode. So its average working hours can up to 100000 hours.

Small and exquisite Volume , applicable in the bad environment

Optical fiber surface area/volume ratio is high. And it is also good cooling effect. Meanwhile it does not need huge water cooling system and just simple air cooling.

So it can be running in bad conditions, such as high impact, high vibration, high temperature, dirt under the conditions of the normal operation.

Free maintenance operation

Optical fiber laser does not need for any maintenance (not including adjust or clean lens)

By the way, we are looking for partners and distributors of laser marking, cutting, welding and cleaning in global.

More details will be updated soon. Your bookmark will be the biggest encourage for me.

My email:  whatsup: 0086 13176671529

How to improve the marking speed of fiber laser marking machine?-lisa

How to improve the marking speed of fiber laser marking machine?

laser marking machine

Laser marking machine is mostly used for marking plastic and rubber, metal, silicon wafer and other materials. Laser marking is not only a major factor in recent years Laser marking. As a new processing method,with the advantages of accuracy, rapidity, simplicity of operation, high degree of automation, etc. In sheet metal processing, advertising production, etc. Lighting hardware, auto parts and other industries have been widely used. because

The purpose of the optical fiber laser marking machine is to bring higher production efficiency. And create higher value to the enterprise, so how to improve the marking speed of the  fiber laser marking machine? Next, let’s take a look at it:

  1. If the marking density is the same size, same light spot, same depth, the higher the marking density is. The slower the marking speed is, the more the density increases the marking area.
  2. . The main factors affecting the optical fiber laser marking machine are internal factors and workpiece processing factors. The main internal factors are laser frequency, laser spot mode and beam divergence angle, laser power, reasonable auxiliary gas and matter in optical shaping process. Internal factors mainly in the early model selection attention, should follow the advice of laser engineers to purchase. Another factor needs noticing when the customer processes, mainly marking density, marking format, marking depth and laser spot size. as soon as
  3.  The smaller the laser spot size, the smaller the marking volume; the larger the spot, the faster the speed. Moreover, the smaller the laser spot size, the finer the line width is, the more clear and small characters can be mark.
  4.  According to the demand, if the depth of marking is deep, should adjust the parameters of the optical fiber laser marking machine. And should increase the power and current of the optical fiber laser marking machine. So will affect the marking speed in these processes.

  5. The larger the size of the marking, the larger the deflection angle of the laser marking mirror and the larger the trajectory of the pattern. Therefore, the larger the marking size, the greater the deflection angle of the laser marking mirror and the movement track of the pattern. In the case of recording speed, the marking speed of large format is longer than that of small format. These are the techniques to improve the marking speed of the optical fiber laser marking machine. According to the requirements, should adjust the parameters of the optical fiber laser marking machine. And the filling density, marking speed, laser frequency, laser power and other factors of the fiber laser marking machine should be adjusted. also

    Therefore, the above parameters will affect the final effect of the marker during these processes. Hope that customers can follow these laws, reasonable speed of marking, create higher economic benefits.

Cutting and Engraving of textile with CO2 Laser-Bunny

Characteristics of textile laser cutting

The laser cutting in textiles is a treatment that is carried out without coming into contact with the materials, unlike other processes such as the saw, scissors or the die. With the laser the tissues are not manipulated so the risk of deformation or tearing is zero.

This laser technology also allows you to perfectly reproduce the lace, cut the flocks or the patterns of the designs with great precision. The result of a laser textile cut is therefore clean and perfect.

Another advantage, much appreciated among professionals in the textile sector, is its speed in cutting. This allows working in series and being very productive.

Characteristics of textile laser engraving

As with cutting, laser engraving does not exert any pressure on the tissues, which prevents them from deforming or tearing.

With a laser machine, all types of articles with texts, drawings, logos, borders, decorative elements, etc. can be personalized by engraving. so you can open very interesting market opportunities such as t-shirt engraving or customization of fashion accessories, leather goods (bags, purses, leather goods), jewelry, etc.

What tissues can be worked with the laser?

Organic fabrics (cotton, linen)
Satin or satin
Denim or denim
Leather, suede, leatherette

What laser machines do we recommend?

The machines XT ????????́???????????? – 1390 has a large work surface and, therefore, allow the engraving and laser cutting of large fabrics. It offers perfect engraving quality, even in the smallest characters and details, and high productivity to record and trim both large and small pieces. The XT ????????́???????????? – ????????90 machine automatically focuses on the piece and its speed, both in engraving and cutting, is very high, making it very stable.

If you want information about any of our laser machines, do not hesitate to contact us.

CO2 laser marking machine and fiber laser marking machine-Anne

CO2 laser marking machine and fiber laser marking machine

Classification of marking machines

Co2 machine according to different laser divide into imported metal tube laser marking machine and domestic glass tube laser marking machine

The laser wavelength of CO2 laser marking machine is 10.64um. CO2 laser, 10.64field mirror, 10.64 beam expander, so CO2 laser power supply, scanning vibroscope, control computer, laser control card compos to co2 laser marking machine. Laser control software, laser frame, laser circulating water system, circuit control system and other components.

The difference between CO2 laser marking machine and optical fiber laser marking machine There are:

1. Carbon dioxide laser marking machine mainly for non-metallic materials, such as plastic, glass and so on, but after a period of time, need to inflate (carbon dioxide gas).

metal and non-metallic materials make Optical fiber laser marking machines.

In simple terms,so they combine the functions of carbon dioxide laser marking machines and semiconductor laser marking machines,

and the speed is more than three times that of semiconductors. There is no need to change accessories for 100,000 hours. laser marking equipment with High-power, high-brightness, high-precision .

laser marking machine

2. The price of carbon dioxide laser marking machine is relatively low.

The price level of domestic products is about 2 to 40, 000 But one limitation of carbon dioxide laser marking machines is that they can only be marked on non-metallic items.

The basic price of the optical fiber laser marking machine is between 3 and 14 thousand.

power level of the fiber laser that you need depend on different price.

Now, so the optical fiber laser marking machine is the most popular in the laser marking machine market.

Because of its high power, high brightness, the price and semiconductor can not be much different,so many people in semiconductor laser marking machine and optical fiber laser marking machine, so more choice of optical fiber laser marking machine.Carbon dioxide co2 RF tube is very stable, maintenance-free, forward * frequency The service life of the tube is generally longer, in about 7 years, the author sees that most of the customers who use the new V30 feedback, its machine uses about 7 years laser does not need to inflate, the longest use of 9 years without inflation.

What about the service life of domestic RF tubes?

the author saw that many domestic RF tube manufacturers said that their quality assurance of RF tubes was one and a half years, and that there was also a lot of customer feedback.

The power of domestic carbon dioxide co2 RF tube will decrease obviously in more than 2 years.

The author conjectures that the non-inflatable operation time of domestic carbon dioxide co2 RF tube is 3-4 years.

But since the RF tube is inflatable, it can continue to be used. so It can be expected that, plus inflatable into the frequency tube 8-10 years of use is no problem, domestic RF tube plus inflation should be able to use 4-5 years.

Hope  this information is helpful for you.

If you have any questions of machine.welcome to contact us.

Sales Manager:Anne Zhang




Below we will explain some tips for the correct glass laser engraving.

There is a wide variety of products made of glass: glasses, glasses, bottles, mirrors, tables, trophies, etc.
Products that we can easily customize with a laser engraving machine to give it high added value.

When the laser hits the glass, it breaks the surface of the material giving it an appearance like frozen glass.
The results, however, may vary depending on the type of glass we are going to engrave. Next we explain how to get a fine finish without roughness or heterogeneous tones.

The parameters recommended to produce a smooth finish are:

Low resolution: If you use a rather low resolution (300 dpi or less) when recording more separate points, you will get a better result.
80% Gray: Make sure that the design does not contain anything black, but an 80% gray for a better quality in engraving.
Jarvis Pattern: This pattern also helps to achieve a finer engraving. Activate it in the Epilog print driver.
Mask the glass: Use a newspaper cutout of a size slightly larger than the design you are going to engrave. Wet it lightly with water and stick it on the surface to be etched. Make sure there are no wrinkles left. This will help dissipate the temperature on the glass surface during etching.
Dish soap: You can put a thin layer of soap on the glass. In the same way as paper, it will dissipate the temperature on the glass surface during etching.
Finally, you should keep in mind that there are some glasses with a higher lead content. In these cases, the glass may explode to the usual parameters. For this type of glass we recommend using a lower engraving power.

What’s the difference between Co2 galvanometer VS Co2 CNC Machine?-lisa

What’s the difference between Co2 galvanometer VS Co2 CNC Machine?-lisa

At the time of engraving non-metal materials like wood, acrylic, paperboard, leather, denim, and other materials. The CO2 laser technology is the most common option. However, this technology divided into two different types of machines, one is the CO2 laser galvanometer technology. And the other is the CO2 laser CNC technology. We are going to explain what is the main difference,

The outlook is different


Both machines use a glass tube or metal tube as the power source. when we take a look at these machines indeed their main structure is different. The Galvanometer CO2 laser has the laser tube right behind the head, while the CNC laser has the tube back of the main structure.

The structure plays an important role when we want to cut material

When we want to cut materials with CO2 laser machines, we need to get the laser been close as we can to the material. Its here one of the big difference between these two technology’s,  the laser CNC have a gantry system inside that allow moves the laser head through stepper motors. Then the laser path across through 3 mirrors and 1 lens, and it’s the lens in the laser head the one that can give the capacity of cut materials because this one is close to the material.

The galvanometer CO2 Laser can’t cut thick materials

Because the laser head is far away to the material, this machine cannot cut must of the hard materials such as wood or acrylic. While a CNC laser has a head just 3 CM away to the material, the galvanometer head is 25 to a 50CM distance to the material.

What can it cut ?

Even if the galvanometer head has a significant distance with the material. This laser can cut very light materials, such as paper, paperboard, leather, denim, garments and other light materials. Check in the following link the materials it can cut and engrave.

With higher speed

One of the most significant differences is the speed. while the CNC CO2 laser machines use stepper motors to move the whole structure. And the laser head. The laser galvanometer head uses two small servo motors that run the mirrors inside the head, giving high accuracy and high speed at the time to engrave or cut.

High speed engraving and cutting      

Low speed engraving and cutting

The CO2 galvanometer head it can engrave 5 to 6 times faster than the fastest CNC laser Co2 machines. It gives the advantage of cut thing materials and mark materials at high speed


laser engraving machine for wood-Bunny

There are different requirements and technical methods for laser engraving machine to engrave different woods. Here are four points to introduce the technical points that laser engraving machine for wood.

1. Plywood

Sometimes customers may ask you to engrave on plywood. In fact, this is almost similar to carving on wood. There just a little attention to pay that the depth of engraving should not be too deep. The glued reverse edge after cutting by the laser engraving machine will also be black like wood. The key is to see which wood the plywood is made from.

2. Logs (raw wood)

Wood is the most commonly use laser processing material for the laser engraving machine and is easy to engrave and cut. Light-colored wood like birch, cherry or maple can be well vaporized by laser engravers, so it is more suitable for engraving. As we all know that each type of wood has its own characteristics, some of which are dense, such as hardwood, which requires the laser engraver with greater laser power for engraving or cutting. Therefore, recommend to study the engraving characteristics before carving wood that is not familiar enough.

3. Coloring

After wood engrave by the laser engraver, there will generally feeling of being burn. Matching the color of the wood has an original artistic beauty. The depth of the color depends mainly on the laser power and the engraving speed of the laser engraving machine. But for some woods which are usually softer in texture, and no matter how to carve you can’t change their color anyway like birch. Sometimes customers may ask you to color the finished product, you can use acrylic paint to realize what the customer want to engrave.

4. Wood cutting

The depth of laser engraving machine cutting wood is generally not deep, within 5mm, because the laser power of the laser engraving machine is small, if we cut with a slow speed will cause wood burning. For specific operations, try using large-size lenses and repeating them.