
What are the potential factors that affect laser cutting machines?—Winnie

What are the potential factors that affect laser cutting machines?—Winnie

There are three kinds of power for the laser cutting machine. It is helpful to know the operation of the laser cutting machine. Let’s take a look at them:

Three areas of laser power (overburned zone, defect free zone, dross zone)

1. Over-burning zone:

When the laser power is too large, the heat input is too large, so that the melting range of the workpiece is larger than the range that can be driven out by the high-pressure airflow, and the molten metal is not blown off by the airflow to generate over-burning.

2. No defect area:

that is, the laser power is in a suitable range, and the cutting effect at this time is good, and it is called a defect-free area.

3. Hanging slag area:

When the laser power is too small, the heat is insufficient, the lower the temperature of the molten product near the lower edge, and the higher the viscosity, so it cannot blow off by the high-pressure airflow and stays at the lower edge of the cutting surface to produce dross. . In severe cases, the incision cannot cut.

Third, the laser cutting machine cutting quality evaluation criteria

The laser cutting of the sheet with a thickness of 2mm or more is not uniform. And the variation in the thickness direction is very different. The change condition has two characteristics:

1. The shape of the cutting surface is divide into two distinct parts. The upper part of the surface is smooth and smooth, the cutting stripe is neat and fine, and the roughness value is small. The lower cutting stripe is disordere, the surface is uneven, and the roughness value is large. The upper part has the direct action of the laser beam, and the lower part has the characteristics of molten metal scouring.

Whether it is continuous laser cutting or pulsed laser cutting, the cutting surface shows upper and lower parts. The difference is pulse laser cutting and the upper cutting strip has a corresponding relationship with the pulse frequency. The higher the frequency, the finer the stripe, the surface The roughness is smaller.

2. The surface roughness in the area of the upper surface of the cut is substantially uniform and does not vary with height.  While the surface roughness of the lower area varies with height, and the closer to the lower edge, the greater the surface roughness.

Advantages of large fiber laser cutting—Winnie

Advantages of large fiber laser cutting

Fiber laser cutting machine is a kind of ancestor’s CNC cutting equipment.

It is widely use in industrial processing costs. In the process of application, not only can it meet the high cost requirements, but also can reach high-precision cutting specifications. So why is it quite popular with users? That is to be closely relate to the advantages of the product itself, the following is a specific introduction for the big family:

Advantages of large fiber laser cutting

1. Because of the non-contact processing, and the energy and moving speed of the laser beam of the fiber laser cutting machine are adjustable, a variety of processing can complete.
2, The rich variety of processing materials is one of the great strengths of fiber laser cutting machine, can be used to process a variety of metals, non-metal, especially for processing high hardness, high brittleness and high melting point data.
3. There is no “tool” wear during the machining process, and no “cutting force” is applie to the workpiece.
4. The heat affected zone of the machined workpiece is small, the workpiece has small thermal deformation. And the subsequent processing volume is small.
5. Various types of processing can stop on the workpiece in the closed container through the transparent medium.
6. It is easy to guide. After focusing, it can complete the target transformation of each target. It is easy to cooperate with the numerical control system. It is an extremely sensitive cutting processing method for the stop processing of complex workpieces.
7, The level of initiative is high, can be fully enclose processing, no pollution. Low noise, greatly improved the task of the operator.
8, The system itself is a set of computer systems, can be easily arrange, modify. Suitable for feature processing, especially for some of the contours of the complex sheet metal parts, batches are not large batches. Product life cycle is not long, From the perspective of skill, economic cost and time. It is not cost-effective to make molds, and laser cutting is particularly advantageous.
9. The energy density of processing is very large, the stimulation time is short, the heat affecte zone is small. The thermal deformation is small, the thermal stress is small, and the laser is non-mechanical contact processing. And there is no mechanical stress on the workpiece, which is suitable for fine processing.
10, High energy density is enough to melt any metal, especially suitable for processing some high hardness, high brittleness, high melting point of other craftsmanship difficult to process materials.

After understanding

Finally, we have invented the fiber laser cutting machine itself with many advantages. And believe that as the product is updating from time to time. So that it will carry forward more advantages and bring more convenience.

The difference between laser cutting and traditional processing methods–Winnie

The difference between laser cutting and traditional processing methods

With the rapid development of sheet metal processing technology, the processing technology is also changing with each passing day. Bringing many revolutionary ideas to sheet metal processing. As a traditional sheet metal cutting device, there are: CNC cutting machine, punching machine. Flame cutting, plasma cutting, high pressure water cutting.
These devices have a considerable market share in the market, one is well known, and the other is cheap. Although they are quite inferior to modern processes such as laser cutting, they also have their own advantages.

1, CNC shears

CNC cutting machines are mainly  for straight cutting, although they can cut up to 4 meters of sheet metal. But they can only be used in sheet metal processing that only needs to cut straight. It is generally used in occupations where the board is flattened and cut, etc., which only requires straight cuts.

2, punch

Punch has more flexibility in curve processing. One punch can have one or more sets of square, round or other special requirements punches. It can process some special sheet metal workpieces at one time, the most common one is the chassis. In the cabinet occupation, the processing technology they require is mainly the cutting of straight lines. Square holes, round holes, etc. The picture is relatively simple and fixed.

They are mainly faced with carbon steel plates of 2mm or less, and the width is generally 2.5m × 1.25m. Stainless steel with a thickness of 1.5mm or more is generally not used because of the viscosity of the raw material. Its strength is that it has a fast processing speed for simple graphics and thin plates. The defect is that it has limited capacity when punching thick steel plates. Even if it can be punched, the appearance of the workpiece is collapsed.

The mold is required, the mold development cycle is long, the cost is high, and the degree of flexibility is not high enough. In foreign countries, more than 2mm steel plate cutting process generally uses more modern laser cutting, instead of punching, the thickness of a thick steel plate is not high when punching and shearing, and the second thick steel plate requires a larger tonnage punch, dross resources Three times the thick steel plate is too noisy, which is not conducive to environmental protection.

3, flame cutting

Flame cutting is the original traditional cutting method because its investment is low, and the processing quality is not high. When the demand is too high, a machining process can be processed, and the market is very large. It is now used primarily to cut thick steel plates that go beyond 40mm. Its drawback is that the thermal deformation is too large when cutting, the slit is too wide, the data is spoiled, and the processing speed is too slow, only suitable for roughing.

4, plasma incision

Plasma incision and precision plasma incision are similar to flame incision. The heat affected zone is too large, the precision is much larger than the flame cut, and the speed has an order of magnitude leap. It has become the main force in the middle plate processing. The actual cutting precision of the domestic top-grade CNC precision plasma cutting starter has reached the lower limit of laser cutting. When cutting 22mm carbon steel plate, it has reached a speed of more than 2 meters per minute, and the cutting end face is smooth and flat. The best slope can be controlled within 1.5 degrees. The defect is that the thermal deformation is too large when the steel sheet is cut, the slope is also large, and there is no power when the precision is high, and the consumables are expensive.

5, high pressure water incision

High-pressure water cutting is the use of high-speed water jet doped diamond to carry out the cutting of sheet metal. It has no restrictions on the raw materials, and the thickness of the cut can be as much as 100mm or more. It is simple for hot cutting of ceramics, glass, etc. The cracked raw material can also be cut, and the copper, aluminum and the like can be cut open to the laser high reflection data water knife, and the laser cutting has a large obstacle. The defect of water cutting is that the processing speed is too slow, too dirty, not environmentally friendly, and the consumables are also high.

Important notes when operatng fiber laser cutting machine—Winnie

Important notes when operatng fiber laser cutting machine—Winnie

Recently, when training new employees, we found that people pay no attention to the precautions of fiber laser cutting machine.

First of all, we want to emphasize to everyone that the operations specification is the first step in using the machine.

Here are the cautions:

1. Develop and comply with equipment operating procedures.

Strictly follow the equipment operation process. Check the safety of the system before starting up. Timely maintain the machine.

2. Fire extinguishing equipment must be available on site.

A fire extinguisher should be provided next to the laser cutting machine. The operator should fully understand its location and master the method of use.

3. The location of the laser cutting machine is managed as a hazardous area.

Set up a warning sign next to the machine.

4. Fatigue and drink operation are strictly prohibited.

There is a greater risk of using laser processing equipment such as laser cutting machines. If you are negligent and insane, it is very likely to cause danger.

5. Direct viewing of the laser beam is strictly prohibited. Wear protective goggles and clothing.

Laser energy can damage to the cornea or retina.

The operator of the laser machine or the person who is close to the laser during the trial period should wear appropriate protective glasses as much as possible.

6. Properly handle damaged optical accessories.

Focus lens, retroreflector and their coating will produce toxic substances. when handling them, people need wear latex gloves. Never touch with bare hands, hand it over to a professional agency.

When you buy a device, it’s not enough to use it, you have to learn to use the specification to protect yourself.

2 Methods to Improved the Laser Cutting Machine Efficiency—Winnie

2 Methods to Improved the Laser Cutting Machine Efficiency

There are many components in the laser equipment. Some parts have a short maintenance period. It is necessary to carry out maintenance frequently to have a relatively good operating state. How can the laser cutting machine be able to faster and better? Next, XTLASER Laser will take you to know the debugging process of the laser cutting machine.

First, debugging machine parameters, improve machine cutting speed.

Machine parameter setting is one of the main factors affecting the cutting speed of the machine. In general, if the parameters are not adjusted, its cutting speed is not good.When adjusting parameters, generally pay attention to the following places:

1. Initial speed

Many customers have such a misunderstanding that the initial speed is as good as possible, but in fact it is wrong. If the initial speed of the laser cutting machine is too high, the machine shake will be very large.

2. Acceleration speed

When cutting different patterns, the machine is a process of starting and stopping. Too low acceleration setting will cause the machine to cut slowly.

Second, adjust the machine assembly to improve the machine cutting effect.

1. Rail installation

The rails should install in parallel. If the installation is not parallel, the machine will have resistance when it runs, and it will be sawtooth when cut. Therefore, it is necessary to install two parallel rails in the Y direction, and there should be no error between them.

2. Installation of beam and coupling

When the machine beam and coupling are installed, the screw is not locked, or the lock is inclined, etc., it will affect the cutting effect.

Good cutting machine needs good debugging process to assist, if you do the above several aspects,the laser cutting machine will play an important role in improving your productivity. Dear friends, if you want to know more about our products, please contact us.

If Poor Cutting Quality of Fiber Laser Cutting Machine,How to Deal with?-Jill

If Poor Cutting Quality of Fiber Laser Cutting Machine,How to Deal with?

Fiber laser cutting machine is a kind of laser cutting method .It uses a fiber laser generator as the optical source. Fiber laser is a new type of laser beam . It outputs a high-energy-density laser beam which focuses on the surface of the workpiece, melting and vaporizing the area illuminated by the ultra-fine focal spot.  The numerical control mechanical system move the spot to achieve automatic cutting with high speed and high precision.

For beginners who are new to the fiber laser cutting machine, they will be in trouble when encountering poor cutting quality. How to adjust the machine in the face of numerous parameters? Let’s have a look at the solution!

The parameters that can affect the cutting quality mainly include: cutting height, cutting nozzle model, focus position, cutting power, cutting frequency, cutting duty cycle, cutting pressure and cutting speed. Hardware conditions include: protective lens, gas purity, sheet metals quality, focusing mirror and collimating mirror.

In the case of poor cutting quality,we recommend to conduct a general inspection on the fiber metal cutting machine first. The main inspection content and orders are:

 1.Firstly,Cutting height

Firstly,The actual cutting height we recommend is between 0.8-1.2mm. If it is not accurate, require the calibration work.

2.Secondly,Nozzle inspection

Secondly, Check whether the nozzle model and size are wrong. If it is correct, check if the cutting nozzle is damaged, or if the roundness is normal.

3.Thirdly,Optical center

Thirdly,We recommend to use a cutting torch with a diameter of 1.0mm for optical inspection. When checking the optical center, the focus is preferably between -1 and 1mm. The light spot thus produced is small and easy to observe.

4.Protective lens

Also, Check whether the protective lens is clean and free of water, oil and slag. Sometimes the lens is fog because of the weather or the cold auxiliary air.

5.focal lens–Focal point

Besides,Check whether we set the focal point correctly. If it is an auto-focusing cutting head, be sure to check if the focus is correct.

After check the above 5 items and there are no problems happening,we should modify the parameters according to the cutting effect.

How to adjust the parameters according to the cutting effect?

Pls check the article:


No matter you are a beginner or an experienced fiber laser metal cutter operator.cutting quality is always a key point .Also,it relates to your business productivity and profit margins. At XT  LASER, we are professional in providing efficient and cost-effective laser cutting solutions for you.

For more information on our professional laser engraving & cutting solutions based on a wide variety of materials. please pay close attention on our posts .Or write to xintian101@xtlaser.com to get quick response.

More questions just let us know.
Jill from XT LASER
E: xintian101@xtlaser.com
WhatsApp&Wechat&Mobile: +86 130 4603 3839
Skype: lasermachine01

Auxiliary gas of laser cutting machine–Winnie

Auxiliary gas of laser cutting machine

When cut different metal materials, laser cutter needs different auxiliary gas. And for different thickness of metals, it needs different air pressure and gas flow. That means to choose right auxiliary gas and gas pressure are directly effect result of laser cutting.

The assist gas can not only blow away the slag on metal material in time, but also cool the it and clean the lens.

The main types of auxiliary are oxygen, air and nitrogen.

  • 1. Oxygen

    O2 air mainly plays a role of combustion support, it can increase the speed of cutting and the thickness of cutting. Oxygen is suitable for thick metal cutting, high speed cutting and extremely thin metal cutting. For example, such as some thicker carbon steel plates, could use oxygen air. When cutting metals of different materials and thickness, choosing the suitable gas can help to shorten the cutting time and improve the cutting effect.


  • 2. Compressed air

    Air is suitable for cutting aluminum, non-metallic and galvanized steel plates. To some extent, it can reduce oxide film and save cost. It is generally use to cut plate is not thick, and the requirement for cutting end face is not too high. It is used in some products such as sheet metal case, cabinet, and so on.


  • 3. Nitrogen

Nitrogen is mainly used for cutting stainless steel, aluminum and copper to prevent blackening of the cut surface after oxidation. As a protective gas, nitrogen can remove the slag from the           cut section, protect the cutting lens, improve surface quality and prevent decarburization.

High power fiber lasers are popular–Winnie

 High power fiber lasers are popular

In recent years, the most significant and fastest development in the entire laser industry in China is the fiber laser market.

Since entering the market, the fiber lasers have experienced spurt growth over the past decade.  At present, the market share of fiber lasers in the industrial field has exceeded 50%.  Which is an unassailable overlord in this field. Global industrial fiber laser revenues have increased from $2.34 billion in 2012 to $4.88 billion in 2017, and the market has doubled. There is no doubt that fiber lasers have become the mainstay of the laser industry, and this situation will remain for a long time in the future.


One of the most attractive advantages of fiber lasers is their wide range of materials.  Their applicability, and low maintenance costs. It can process not only common carbon steel, stainless steel, alloy and non-metal materials. But also cutting and welding highly reflective metals such as brass, aluminum, copper, gold and silver.

Fiber lasers can do not only for cutting a variety of highly reflective metals, but also for a wide range of applications.

For example, cutting thick copper for electrical connection to the bus.  Cutting thin copper for building materials. Cutting/welding gold and silver for jewelry design, welding aluminum for fuselage structure or automobile body.

Better processing tools

If  the trend of medium and high power fiber fiber laser processing to see the fiber laser development. The most popular fiber lasers in the early market are 1 kW to 2 kW. However, with the pursuit of improved processing speed and efficiency, 3k ~ 6kW products have become the industry’s hottest.

In the future, this trend is expected to drive the industry’s demand for 10 kW and higher power segment fiber lasers.

Have a safe operation on fiber laser cutting machine:Charry

Have a safe operation on fiber laser cutting machine

Have a safe operation on fiber laser cutting machine.

Have a safe operation on fiber laser cutting machine

Firstly,cutting accuracy:

Cutting accuracy is the basis for selecting a machine tool. It refers to the contour accuracy of the cutting workpiece, not the static accuracy marked on the sample!

The difference between a good machine and a poor machine is whether the accuracy of the high-speed cutting of the part will change, and whether the consistency of the workpiece will change greatly when cutting at different positions!

Secondly, cutting efficiency:

Cutting efficiency is an indicator of the profitability of a laser cutting machine. Cutting efficiency refers to the time when cutting workpiece, rather than simply looking at the cutting speed!

The higher the cutting efficiency, the higher the processing cost and the lower the running cost. It is a tool to make money!

Thirdly,Maintenance cost:

At present, the maintenance cost of the laser cutting machine is mainly from the maintenance cost of the laser!

However, the maintenance cost of each laser is different.

Fourthly, the service life:

The service life is an evaluation of the machine to save money, the longer the service life of the machine, the lower the depreciation expense of the laser cutting machine.

The main factors that determine the life of a machine tool are as follows:

The rigidity of the machine tool, simply speaking, the heavier the tonnage of the machine tool, the better the rigidity!

The configuration of the machine tool, as well as the brand and quality of the transmission device!

If you arelooking for fiber laser cutting machine,just contact us:



How to extend the life of the Laser cutting machine?- Luis

How to extend the life of the Laser cutting machine

How to extend the life of the laser cutting machine?

The main components of the laser cutting machine are circuit system, transmission system, cooling system, optical path system and dust removal system.

Genarally, the last three parts are what we need to maintain on  daily basis.

1. Cooling system.

The water inside the water cooler needs to replaced regularly. The water quality and water temperature affect the service life of the laser tube directly. We usually suggest use pure or distilled water and keeping the water temperature below 35 °C.

Besides,keep water flowing at any time. The cooling water is responsible for taking away the heat generated by the laser tube.

2. Dust removal system.

The fan is for a long time, and it will contaminate with a lot of dust. When finding that the suction of the fan is insufficient and the exhaust is not smooth, you need turn off the power and remove the air inlet and outlet pipes on the fan. Then removing the dust inside the fan.

3. Optical path system.

After the machine has been working for a while, the surface of the lens will be covered with dust. Under these circumstances, the reflectivity of the reflective lens and the transmittance of the lens will reduce.

The operator should use absorbent cotton to rub the ethanol and carefully wipe it along the center of the lens to the edge. The lens should be gently wiped during this process, in case the surface coating will be damaged.