
Details of Fiber Laser Marking Machine—Oriole

Details of Fiber Laser Marking Machine

There are many details of fiber laser marking machine I want to discuss in this text.I will talk about the reason why we use fiber laser marking maching,the components of it and how can we use it.

Fiber laser marking

Fiber laser marking

Why we choose laser marking machine?

Firstly,power saving.For one hour working ,a laser marking machine just cost 0.5kw/h.

Scendly,maintenance-free.A laser marking machine can work for one hundred thousand hours in theory with no maintenance.

Thirdly,simple using.It is easy for us to use it to mark.

Fourthly,mini.It just cover a small area.

Fifthly,permanency.The pattern it marked will never fall off.

Sixly,elegant appearance.What the machine marked looks superior.

Elements and respective roles:

A fiber laser marking machine consists a lot of components.Each of them has its own function.Let us see.

Firstly,fiber laser source.The most important part of the machine.It decides the efficiency and strength of the machine.

Scendly,2D galvo head. Control the movement of the laser beam in the plane.

Thirdly,2D F-theta lens.Scanning and focussing is what it is doing.

Fourthly,control board&marking software.Order the machine to finish its work.

Fifthly,computer.Play a role together with control board&marking software.

Sixly,lifting pillar.It is helpful for the  laser marking machine to focus.

Seventhly,2D working table.We can place the object here and then we can focus easyer.

Eighthly,power supply.When the power of a laser marking machine is fine and open ,we can begin our marking.

How to use the fiber laser marking machine to marking something?

Firstly,open the switch of the computer and then open other three switches.

Scendly,sto make sure it will mark the object on the right position scan and focus .

Finally,operate the software of the machine,and then you will get the pattern you want.

Last but not the least,when you finish your work,you also need abide by the rules.You should close the computer first and then close other switches.

Attention:when you operate the machine if happened anything dangerous ,you can use the emergency stop switch as soon as possible.









China Fiber laser marker cutter welder cleaner in NA USA Canada,xt laser fiber laser machine-Jill

China Fiber laser marker cutter welder cleaner in NA USA Canada,xt laser fiber laser machine-Jill

China fiber laser machine is more and more popular in NA market.

Firstly,Fiber laser marking machineis popular in the firearms guns,jewelry,customs engraving industry.

Secondly,Fiber laser cutting/welding machine is popular in the sheet-metal,customs laser industry.

Thridly,Fiber laser cleaning machine is popular in the laser service,mould making industry.


1.Firstly,Fiber laser marking machine

There is 20w,30w,50w,100w,etc,.30w and 50w  is the best seller now.

Then,For firearm and jewelry making,50w is more and more popular.Because the laser machine is cheaper and cheaper now.












And then,we share some marking videos.

And then,gun firearms engraving:




And then,Jewelry cutting and ring marking:






2.Secondly,Fiber laser cutting machine

There is 1kw,1.5kw,2kw,3kw,4kw,6kw,etc,.

And then,Beseide the 1500x300mm model,Small format is the best serller in NA.

For small format cutter,there is 1300×900 model and 600x600mm.


1309 model(cutting area is 1300x900mm ).

Machine picture

several problems

laser cutting machinery for metal







Then,we share some videos.





6060 model(cutting area is 600x600mm ).

In jewelry cutting industry,they will choose this to cut 925 silver sheet.

Cutting speed is much faster than fiber laser marker.

Then,share the machine picture.

High precision cutting machine







Then we share some videos.






3.Thirdly,Fiber laser welding machine

Handheld fiber laser welding machine will replace YAG laser welding.

Now fiber laser is more and more popular.
It can weld stainless steel,carbon steel,brass,aluminum,etc,.

Then,share the picture.








4.And also,Fiber laser cleaning machine

It mainly clean the rust,dust,oil,etc,.

Then we share some videos.






More questions just let us know.
Jill from XT LASER
E: xintian143@xtlaser.com
WhatsApp&Wechat&Mobile: +86 130 4603 3839
Skype: lasermachine01

The advantage of 20w 30w 50w laser marking machine-Anne

The advantage of 20w 30w 50w laser marking machine

What is difference between 20w,30w and 50w laser marking machine ?However,how do you to choose a suitable machine for your work ?

Today,XT LASER will introduce more details to you.

20w fiber laser marker

the most hot selling system by lowest price advantage. Especially on plastic and hard metals, it occurs perfect results. automotive, packing, kitchenware equipment, hand tools sectors are main ways preferred on XTC-FP20

30w fiber laser marking machine

suitable for job shops and people who needs more power. One upper level then marking towards cutting. Especially for cutting, this is the first machine fits your requirement to cut.

laser marking machine

50w fiber laser marking machine

do deep engraving, micro cutting, marking and 3D engraving perfect. Mostly preferred by jewelry sector, F 50 creates 40% more effective results according to its competitors. One of the fastest model in market.

laser marking machine

Hope this information is helpful for you.If you have any questions of machine,please contact to us.

Sales Manager:Anne Zhang  Mob.whatsapp:+8615098735595  Skype:amyzhang1321  Email:xintian121@xtlaser.com

Daily Maintenance Of fiber Laser Marking Machine(II)–Anne

Daily Maintenance Of fiber Laser Marking Machine(II)

Last article we share 8 tips how to maintenance of fiber laser marking machine.

Today we will share rest of maintenance ways.

9. During the working process of the fiber laser marking machine, the marking machine must not be moved to avoid damage to the machine.

10. Care should be taken when removing the focusing mirror. Be careful not to damage or fall. Also, do not touch the focusing mirror with your hand or other objects.

11. Do not cover the stack or put other items on the fiber laser marking machine to avoid affecting the heat dissipation effect of the machine.

12. When the equipment is used for a long time, the dust in the air will be adsorbed on the lower end surface of the focusing mirror.

The lighter will reduce the power of the laser and affect the marking effect; if the lighter causes the optical lens to absorb heat and overheat, it will burst. When the marking effect is not good, carefully check the surface of the focusing mirror for contamination.

13. The cleaning method is to mix anhydrous ethanol (analytical grade) and diethyl ether (analytical grade) in a ratio of 3:1, infiltrate the mixture with a long fiber cotton swab or lens paper, and gently scrub the lower end surface of the focusing mirror. On one side, you must replace the cotton swab or lens paper.

14. When the fiber laser marking machine is not working, the marking machine and computer power should be cut off.

Cover the field lens lens to prevent dust from contaminating the optical lens.

15. When the fiber laser marking machine is working, the circuit is in a high pressure state. Non-professionals should not be inspected during startup to avoid electric shock.

16. Note that the output of the laser power supply cannot be suspended to prevent ignition and breakdown between other electrical appliances.

17. No sound and light power supply is allowed to work at no load;

18. It is not allowed to start other components before the xenon lamp is ignited to prevent high voltage from entering the damaged component.

19. It is strictly forbidden to arbitrarily change the main components of the protection circuit and the fiber laser marking machine;

When the unit is not working, the marking machine and computer power should be turned off.

When the machine is not working, cover the field lens lens to prevent dust from contaminating the optical lens.

Hope this information is helpful for you.If you have any questions,please feel free contact to us.

Sales Manager:Anne Zhang




Detailed Introduction of main parts of Fiber laser marker-Ivy

Detailed Introduction of main parts of Fiber laser marker

Here sharing with you the Detailed Introduction of main parts of Fiber laser marker:

First, laser power supply

It provides power for the fiber laser.And the input voltage is 220 V , and we usually install it in the control box of the machine.

Second, fiber laser source

It is the most important part of the machine because it provide the laser. It has a long service life and we usually install it in the casing of the machine.

Third,  control system board and marking software

It is the center of the machine and the carrier of software installation and it controls the machine to do marking.

Forth,2 D working table

We put the things on the working table and mark.Because we can adjust the X and Y axis to move the working table,we can move the things without hands.So it is easy for us to mark on small things, and it can help us mark more accurately.

Fifth,laser scanner

It can control the  beam deflection on a flat surface and it is the necessary  part of the machine.

Sixth,F-theta lens

The function of the lens is to focus. And it is also an important part of the machine.Its working area is not fixed,and they are usually be 110*110mm,200*200mm and 300*300mm.

The scan area is bigger,then the focus length is longer,so the light is weaker.

Seventh,lifting pillar

The lifting pillar is also an important part of the machine,but it is not necessary for all types machine. We can adjust it to change the focus length,so it is used in many types of machines.

In mini type machine,there is no lifting pillar. So there is a 3D working table and we can adjust the focus length through it.

Eighth,water chiller

The machine produces heat while working,so we need water chiller for 200w machine or higher watt machine.

More details,contact wechat/whatsapp:0086 17864184107

How to Install and Operate Fiber Laser Marking Machine?-Jill

How to Install and Operate Fiber Laser Marking Machine?

Home use and personal craft processing

More and more people now buy fiber laser marking machine.They use it for home use and personal craft processing workshop. They may not be laser professionals.But they operate the laser machine proficiently with self passion and learning. Fiber laser marking machine is a good partner .It fulfills their imagination and designs .And It  engraves beautiful patterns on metal surface.

Machine means achievement and extra incomes

Fiber laser engraving machine manages to transfer user’s passion and talent. And machine transfers laser work into sense of achievement and extra incomes. For example,DIY fiber laser marking machine home user can run a good business . They can produce many beautiful samples with fiber laser marker.They can open a live show in YouTube to share DIY laser samples and experience with  followers. And they also can set up a website to sell those laser marked products to make extra money.Our customer  encouraged us to make more enhancement on fiber laser design and manufacturing to give users better experience and more benefits.

Operation manual videos

So if you are a novice or beginner of laser marking business, we recommend here a tutorial video show to help you learn how to install and operate our fiber laser engraving machine in a proper and easy manner. Especially, this video tells how to operate a  fiber laser marking machine.

Firstly,operation manual



Secondly,Ezcad using:


how to use Rotary axis


From this video you could see the whole installation process is handy, and when opening the machine, you will find all parameters have been debugged well in our factory. What you should do is only to prepare your materials and styles you plan to work with. For any question you come across during the fiber laser engraving work, you could contact our technical sales who served you on the machine procurement. Quick response and useful solution will be given to you in 2 hours and at latest 24 hours considering the time difference.

More questions just let us know.
Jill from XT LASER
E: xintian101@xtlaser.com
WhatsApp&Wechat&Mobile: +86 130 4603 3839
Skype: lasermachine01

The difference between fiber laser and MOPA laser engraving machines–Lydia

The difference between fiber laser and MOPA laser engraving machines

Many customers choose to buy a laser machine.But they buy a machine, they wonder what is the main difference between fiber laser and MOPA laser engraving machines. Is it only the color engraving over some materials? Why MOPA laser it’s more expensive? Which materials can these technologies engrave? So in this article, you will finally get an answer in this blog about the difference between fiber laser and MOPA laser engraving machine

Different inside technology

Even if these two machines have a very similar or same outlook, inside, but they work differently. Because fiber laser machines use a technology called Q-switched that allows the power supplier to generate the path light only between 1 to 500 kHz.

On the other hand, the Master Oscillator Power Amplifier knowing as MOPA generate the power source with a different method, and this allows the machine has a pulse frequency with more amplitude than the fiber, from 1 to 2700 kHz. So these enable the MOPA laser to have different engraving results over some plastics and metal materials in comparations of the engraving results of the Q-switched or fiber laser technology.

Which materials can this machines engrave?

MOPA Laser

This machine can engrave over:

  • Gold
  • Aluminium (with dark color effect also)
  • Stainless Steel (with multiple colors)
  • Platinum
  • Silver
  • Titanium
  • Brass
  • Tungsten
  • Carbide
  • Nickel
  • Carbon steel
  • Crome
  • Copper
  • Iron and other metals
  • ABS plastic (low rate of melting burn)
  • PC plastic (low rate of melting burn)
  • PLA plastic
  • Silicon plastic
  • PBT plastic and others

Fiber Laser or Q-switched

This machine can engrave over:

  • Gold
  • Aluminium
  • Stainless Steel (Only white and dark colors)
  • Platinum
  • Silver
  • Titanium
  • Brass
  • Tungsten
  • Carbide
  • Nickel
  • Carbon steel
  • Crome
  • Copper
  • Iron and other metals
  • ABS plastic (high rate of melting burn)
  • PC plastic (high rate of melting burn)
  • PLA plastic
  • Silicon plastic
  • PBT plastic and others

In conclusion , both machines can do similar works .However, if you are looking for a better finishing on plastic materials and for having the possibility of engraving different colors on stainless steel, titanium or black color on aluminum , you can think about the solution that MOPA laser can offer. On the other hand, if you are only looking for engrave metals at high speed and you don’t need to engrave colors on metals, then you can choose a fiber laser. These machines may look the same but they are different not only on work effect and technology. And they are also very different on price. And MOPA laser technology also tends to be expensive than normal Fiber Q-switched lasers.For more information get in contact with us. https://www.xtlaser.cz/

Enclosed fiber laser marking machine-Teresa

Enclosed fiber laser marking machine

Enclosed fiber laser marking machine, with its beautiful appearance, high quality, appropriate price, and great price-quality ratio, is quite popular among customers. It also has a function that it won’t work unless the door is closed. Here share a video with you:

Europe clients will mostly like to choose this type of machine, this type of machine has protective cover , electric lifting pillar. In front of the cabinet, there is also one small window.Through which we can observe the marking process.

For the purpose of protection,we have added one function.

i.e. the machine will not mark when the door is open, this also means marking is only possible when the door will be closed.

The height of box after packing the machine is about the 173cm. So when we have to ship by Air, we need to contact the freight forwarder to check,

if there is a big cargo plane to carry this machine.


Besides, this type of machine has many advantages:

1.It only occupies a small space, and it is  convenient to move. If clients‘ room space is limited, he could choose this one

2.It has a protective cover, more safer for users, increasing the longevity of the machine.

3.The machine is beautiful in appearance, its white&orange color would give u eye enjoyment.

2. Fiber laser marking machine features:

  1. All-in-one machine is with manual focusing system and easy operation.
  2. Laser beam quality is much better than traditional one.
  3. Total electricity consumption is less than 500W, which is 1/10 of YAG’s.
  4. Free maintenance, long working life, low consumption , suitable for any working environment.
  5. High marking speed, 2-3 times of traditional marking machine.
  6. Portable machine. small size, in light weight.
  7. Suitable for markings, engravings, and cuttings in majority of nonmetallic materials
  8. Easy operating, great stability
  9. Perfect performance, 24 hours continuous working ability

Email: xintian105@xtlaser.com

Mobile/Whatsapp: +8615006829603

Skype: xtlaser Teresa

Contact Teresa freely

Future of Fiber Laser Marker–Alicia

Presentación de la máquina láser de fibraóptica

Fiber laser has become a hot topic in laser physics research in recent years. It generally considere to a new generation of products.That may replace solid-state lasers and,  in an all-round way. Fiber laser is a kind of laser using rare earth doped glass fiber as gain medium. Fiber laser can develope on the basis of fiber amplifier.

It is easy to form high power density.However in the fiber under the action of pumping light.Resulting in the laser energy level „particle number reversal“ of the laser working substance. When the positive feedback loop (forming a resonator) is properly added.The laser oscillation output can be formed. Fiber laser marking machine is to use laser beams to mark the surface of various substances permanently.

The effect of marking is to expose deep substances through evaporation of surface substances.Or to „engrave“ traces by physical changes of surface substances caused by light energy.Or to burn off some substances by light energy, showing the patterns, words.And barcodes and other graphics that need to be etched.

fiber laser cutter

Presentación de ventajas

The advantages of miniaturization and intensification brought about by the low cost of glass fiber manufacturing. Mature technology and the availability of glass fiber.
Glass fibers do not need the strict phase matching of the incident pumping light as crystals. Which is due to the non-uniform broadening of the absorption band caus by Stark splitting of the glass matrix.
Glass material has very low volume-area ratio, fast heat dissipation and low loss.So it has high up-conversion efficiency and low laser threshold.
The output laser has many wavelengths.This is due to the rich energy levels of rare earth ions and the variety of rare earth ions.
Tunability: Because of the wide energy level of rare earth ions and the wide fluorescence spectrum of glass fibers.https://www.xtlaser.cz/

 Tendencias futuras

Because there is no optical lens in the resonator of the fiber laser, it has the advantages of no adjustment, and,  no maintenance and high stability, which is incomparable with traditional lasers.
Fiber optic derivation makes the laser easily competent for all kinds of multi-dimensional arbitrary space processing applications, and makes the mechanical system design very simple.
Competent for harsh working environment, with high tolerance for dust, shock, humidity and temperature.
There is no need for thermoelectric refrigeration and water cooling, just simple air cooling.
High electro-optic efficiency: The comprehensive electro-optic efficiency is up to 20%.And,  can greatly save power consumption and operation cost. High power, and, commercial fiber laser is 6 kW.

How to choose a good fiber laser marker-Angelina

How to choose a good fiber laser marker

Firstly, determine what kind of product you want to mark.

Then you can decide to buy what kind of laser marker, for each material has its own best laser marking machine.

Now, there are many kinds of laser marking machines are free to choose for us.

For example, XT laser marking machine designed different marking machines meet for different products.

Handheld marking machine has a unique design, with a small size, easy to carry, can be hand-held marking, convenient and quick.

Protective marking machine with the first -level protection design, fully automatic adjustment of focal length, which optical fiber protective glass can filter light.

It’s the best choice for home users by protecting their eyes.

Secondly, the ray tools laser head.

It is the most important factor for the the quality of the laser to affect the quality of the laser marking machine.

The configured laser can ensure your marking effect and improve the operating efficiency of the machine.

The laser head of XT laser marker

Firstly, highly dustproof to IP65, fully enclosed optical path, the lens contamination is almost zero.

Secondly, dynamic focus, you can flexibly adjust the focus scale, so that zero focus position Unified.

No longer worry about adjusting process parameters.

Thirdly, efficient cooling, focusing mirrors, collimating mirrors, and nozzles all have cooling capabilities.

In addition, the laser head belongs to non-contact processing, no damage to the product, no tool wear, and good marking quality.

Thirdly, the vibration lens, the vibration of the laser marking machine directly determines the quality of the marking pattern.

A good vibration lens can effectively improve the marking speed of the laser marking machine and ensure the graphic accuracy.

Like XT laser marking machine is a high-speed vibration lens, obtained the EU market mandatory certification.

If u want to learn more, pls contact with Angelina:

Email: xintian118@xtlaser.com
