
Carbon steel fiber lazer cutter 3000w power – Jill

Carbon steel fiber lazer cutter 3000w power

Carbon steel fiber lazer cutter 3000w power.

Generally, will burn the material. Possible reasons as below.

(1) The laser focus position is offset, and the focus position test is performed, and the offset is adjusted according to the offset of the laser focus.

(2) The output power of the laser is not enough. It is necessary to check whether the work of the laser generator is normal. If it is normal, observe whether the output value of the laser control button is correct, if it is not adjusted properly.

(3) The cutting line speed is too slow, and it is necessary to increase the line speed during operation control.

(4) The cutting gas is not pure enough to provide high quality cutting working gas

(5) The instability of the machine tool running time is too long. At this time, it needs to be shut down and restarted.

Laser not completely cut

The reason why the laser is not completely cut.

(1) The selection of the laser nozzle does not match the thickness of the processing plate, and the nozzle or processing plate is replaced.

(2) The laser cutting line speed is too fast, and the operation control is required to reduce the line speed.

Abnormal sparks when cutting low carbon steel.

When the low carbon steel is cut normally, the fire bouquet is long, flat, and has fewer splits. The occurrence of abnormal sparks will affect the smoothness and quality of the cut section of the work piece.

In this case, if other parameters are normal, the following should be considered.

Firstly,The laser head nozzle has serious loss, and the nozzle should be replaced in time.

Secondly, In the case of no new nozzle replacement, the working gas pressure should be increased.

Thirdly, If the thread at the joint between the nozzle and the laser head is loose, the cutting should be suspended immediately, check the connection state of the laser head, and re-thread the thread.

Finally,if you want to know some details,contact us.

And also,if for more questions just let us know.
Jill from XT LASER
E: xintian143@xtlaser.com
WhatsApp&Wechat&Mobile: +86 130 4603 3839
Skype: lasermachine01

The advantage of XT W-series

The advantage of XT W-series


1.For the machine body:

For the machine body, the advantage of XT W-series, it use the new design plate welding machine body, dust remove will better than the before machine. And the machine body and control box separately.

2. Add the roller loading device:
This is the new function for the machine. It will help customers to upload the plate easier into the machine. Special for the open type machine. When you load the plate, the 4 rollers will up and then you can with the help of roller to remove the plate into the machine body.


3.Laser source put into the control box:

For the new design machine, we put the fiber laser source into the control box. It will better than put the laser source into the machine body. Why?

When you operate the machine, even the machine body is strong like XT LASER machine body, long time use will let the machine body a little shake, when the laser source put into the machine body, long time use will broke the laser source line. That is why we redesign to put the laser source into the control box.

The other thing is that in the hot weather place, like United Arab Emirates, the temperature is very hot. If your factory do not have air conditioner and the temperature is high. Most of our customers will add one air conditioner for the laser source and electric parts cooling.

When the laser source in the control box, then only need to add one air conditioner can make all parts cooling.

For the details like the air pipe and the electric pipe will have some update, it will help you to easy to check it.

One more thing, for the fiber laser cutting machine now we give you 3 years warranty for whole machine (Except easy wear parts and human factors)

Whatsapp/ Wechat: +86 131 7302 5103

Email: lasermachine01@xtlaser.com

How to control the fiber laser cutting quality-Teresa

How to control the fiber laser cutting quality

How to control the fiber laser cutting quality.

First, the impact of focus position adjustment on cutting quality.

Since the laser power density has a great influence on the cutting speed, the choice of lens focal length is an important issue. After the laser beam focusing, the spot size is proportional to the focal length of the lens. After the beam by the short focal length lens, the spot size is small. And the power density at the focus is high, which is good for material cutting. However, its disadvantage is that the depth of focus is very short and the adjustment margin is few, generally suitable for high-speed cutting of thin materials. Since the telephoto long lens has a wide focal depth, it is suitable for cutting thick workpieces as long as it has sufficient power density.

When the focus is in a better position, the slit is smaller and the efficiency is higher. And the better cutting speed can obtain better cutting results. In most applications, the beam focus is adjusted just below the nozzle. The distance between the nozzle and the surface of the workpiece is generally about 1.5 mm.

Second, the impact of cutting speed on cutting quality.

For a given laser power density and material, the cutting speed is in accordance with an empirical formula. As long as the threshold is above the pass threshold, the cutting speed of the material is proportional to the laser power density. Increasing the power density increases the cutting speed. The power density referred to here is not only to the laser output power, but also to the beam quality mode. In addition,the spot size after focusing, also have a large effect on laser cutting.

Third, the impact of laser output power on cutting quality.

For a continuous wave output laser, the laser power size and mode will have an important impact on the cutting. In actual operation, it is often necessary to set a larger power to obtain a higher cutting speed, or to cut a thicker material. However, the beam mode (the distribution of the beam energy in the cross section) is sometimes more important, and the mode often varies slightly when the output power is increased. The modes are not consistent during the entire effective working life of the laser. The condition of the optics, subtle changes in the laser working mixture, and flow fluctuations all affect the mode mechanism.

So if you have any questions about laser cutting machine,contact us.



Skype: xtlaser Teresa

Why use auxiliary gas in metal laser cutting?-Bonnie

Why use auxiliary gas in metal laser cutting?

The use of auxiliary gas in metal cutting has benefits as following:

  1. Blow away the slags in the coaxial kerf;
  2. Cool the surface of the processed metals and reduce the heat affected zone;
  3. Cool the focusing lens, prevent the dust from entering the lens holder.
  4. Contaminating the lens, and keep the lens from overheat;
  5. Some cutting gas can also protect the base metal.

Influences of auxiliary gases on metal laser cutting

First, let’s take a look at the metal laser cutting process.

The laser generated by the vibrator passes through the lens and gathered at a point to form very tiny light spots.

By precise control the distance between the lens and metal sheet.

Ensure the light spots is stable in the direction of the material thickness.

At this time, due to the convergence effect of the lens, the light spots gather laser energy with large power density.

Usually, the power density can reach 106-109W/cm2.

The metal absorbs the spot energy and melts at once.

The use of auxiliary gas can blow the molten fluid metal away from the processed sheet and complete the cutting process.

During the whole cutting process, the auxiliary gas mainly works as the driving force to remove the metal fluid away from the sheet. Different gases have different influences on the processed metal sheet and cutting section.



Jinan Xintian Technology Co.,Ltd
Skype: xtlaser211@gmail.com

Whatsapp&phone:0086 18654543989
Wechat: 18654543989


How to solve the laser cutting machine error problem:Charry


How to solve the laser cutting machine error problem

How to solve the laser cutting machine error problem

For a long time using a laser cutting machine for sheet metal processing, it is inevitable that the accuracy will decrease and the error will increase.

It will affect the processed products quality. It is not conducive to the production of the enterprise.

How to adjust the machine when an error occurs?

1. The thickness of the cutting material exceeds the standard. Generally, the thickness of the plate that the metal laser cutting machine can cut is less than 12 thicknesses. The thinner the plate, the easier it is to cut, and the better the quality. If the plate is too thick, the laser cutting machine is more difficult to cut. Under the condition of ensuring the cutting, there will be errors in the processing accuracy, so the thickness factor of the plate must be determined.

2. The laser output power is not up to standard. When the laser cutting machine is running and debugging, it is necessary to ensure that the laser output power reaches the standard. Generally, the higher the laser output power, the better the quality of the cutting on the same thickness of the plate.

3. Roughness of cutting board. In general, the flatter the surface of the cutting material, the better the quality of the cut.

4. The focus position is not accurate. If the focus of the laser cutting machine is not correct, it will directly affect the cutting accuracy, so calibration and check before operation. You can also purchase carved auto-focus laser head when purchasing the machine, auto-focusing, to ensure cutting accuracy.

5. Processing speed. The cutting speed of the laser cutting machine directly affects the processing accuracy. Therefore, it is also necessary to achieve the best match between the cutting speed and the material before running.

Finally any questions,contact us.



Laser cutting techniques for different metal materials:Charry

Laser cutting techniques for different metal materials

Laser cutting techniques for different metal materials.

Firstly, stainless steel cutting.

The stainless steel metal plate generally cut with nitrogen to prevent oxidation, and there is no burr edge. After cutting,we can weld the stainless steel without post-treatment. The effect of cutting with oxygen may be worse than that of nitrogen, causing blackening and unevenness of the end faces.

Secondly, carbon steel cutting.

When laser cutting carbon steel, oxygen is generally to obtain better results. While the oxygen reaction heat is to increase the cutting efficiency, the resulting oxide film also increases the beam spectral absorption factor of the reflective material. One problem with oxygen processing is that the edges may be slightly oxidized. If more demanding users can use nitrogen for high pressure cutting, it is also possible to achieve better cutting results by applying oil to the surface of the workpiece.

Thirdly, aluminum cutting.

Aluminum is a highly reflective material in metallic materials that has high reflectivity and thermal conductivity. In recent years, many manufacturers‘ laser cutting machines have been equipped with „anti-reflection devices“ to adapt to aluminum cutting, and laser cutting opportunities without „anti-reflection devices“ have damaged their optical components. At the same time, depending on the power of the equipment, the thickness of the cut aluminum is also different. Generally, the thickness of stainless steel and carbon steel cut by the same equipment is thicker than that of high-reflection materials such as aluminum. Aluminum is also more suitable for cutting with nitrogen, and the cutting effect is good.

Fourthly, copper and brass cutting.

Like aluminum, copper and brass are highly reflective materials that require an „anti-reflection“ laser for cutting.

Any questions,contact us.



Focus on the laser source in Winter:Charry

Focus on the laser source in Winter

Focus on the laser source in Winter.

Firstly.Antifreeze selection

Add professional brand antifreeze to the water cooler, such as Clariant’s AntifrogenN antifreeze, which is in a ratio of 3:7 (3 for antifreeze,  7 for water). And can resist -20 ° C without freezing after adding antifreeze. If the temperature is lower than this range, please consult the water cooler supplier to confirm the proportion of antifreeze.

If the professional brand is not convenient to buy, you can purchase the large-capacity car antifreeze shell OAT-45°C, which can be directly in the laser water cooling system. The dilution ratio can refer to the following table. Please compare the actual temperature according to the place of use, due to the use environment and water cooling machine. The reason for the configuration, the actual use will affect the flow rate and flow rate of the coolant, causing the water cooler flow alarm or the laser heat dissipation problem. If the temperature is abnormal, please contact our company after-sales personnel.

Secondly.Antifreeze use precaution.

Any antifreeze cannot completely replace deionized water and cannot be used for a long time throughout the year. After the winter, use the deionized water or purity water to clean the pipeline. And deionized water or purified water should be used as a coolant.

Thirdly,At the same time, during the holidays such as the Spring Festival holiday or during the long power outage, please drain the water in the pipeline related to the laser and water cooler.

If is fine ,it is better for water chiller working

Finally,If your laser machine did not use for long time ,please drain the water chiller,cutting head,and laser source out ,do not leave water

Any questions about fiber laser cutting machine,contact us.



Fiber laser cutting machine with air compressor:Charry

Fiber laser cutting machine with air compressor

Fiber laser cutting machine with air compressor.

Many customers care about the machine running cost.So they are thinking about the gas consumption.Air compressor is a good choice.

Knowing how much the laser cutting machine knows that it needs to support gas during the cutting work. Without a gas source, the laser cutting machine can’t work. Generally, the laser cutting machine uses three kinds of gas sources: oxygen, nitrogen and compressed air. And if you use oxygen and nitrogen to cut, you need to go to a special gas station to buy the bottled liquid. Oxygen and liquid nitrogen. And just like buying bottled liquefied gas.

It is understood that the general barrel liquid oxygen price is about 500 yuan. And if you work 8 hours a day, you can consume the barrel oxygen in about 4 days. Then the average oxygen cutting cost calculate at 120 yuan per day.

If compressed air use as the gas source of the laser cutting machine, the cost is relatively large. So a 500W laser cutting machine needs about 1 cubic meter per minute, 10-12KG of compressed air. Then a 7.5KW is matched. And the air compressor of about -11KW can use. Then the electricity cost of such an air compressor running for one hour is about 5-8 degrees. And he maximum electricity consumption for 8 hours a day is 60 degrees. So the electricity cost is one yuan, and the cost is 60. Yuan up and down. It can save half compared to oxygen cutting.

Let’s calculate the account, save 60 yuan a day, 300 days a year, and save 18,000 yuan a year. It can be said that the cost of purchasing the complete set of screw air compressors can be recovered in a year. Therefore, laser cutting machines use compressed air to cut the lowest cost and save money.

Any questions,we can have a further discussion.



How much can you save if you change to a fiber laser?—Winnie

How much can you save if you change to a fiber laser?

If users use fiber lasers in production, so there will be obvious cost savings. The specific savings depend on the process, materials, production environment, power cost and labor cost currently used by users. Savings are mainly reflected in the following aspects:

A. Electro-optic conversion efficiency is higher:

fiber lasers have unparalleled high efficiency with existing conventional laser technology.

Type electro-optical conversion efficiency
Erbium-doped fiber laser

40%+ (ECO Series >50%)
Lamp pump YAG 1.5-2%
Diode pumped YAG 10-20%
Disc laser 15-25%
CO2 5-10%

Energy saving calculator

b. Cooling:

Due to the high efficiency of fiber lasers, the requirements for cooling are low and there is less electricity. Low-power fiber lasers require only air cooling, and high-power fiber lasers use water-cooling that is simpler and less expensive than other equivalent laser technologies. Cooling also depends on the particularity of the production environment.

c. Consumables/spare parts:

As fiber lasers use a more efficient design (higher thermal management efficiency) and a carrier-grade single-core junction pump diode, you save on spare parts (such as lamps and diode bars), Labor and production downtime. The lamp and diode bars used in many YAGs have a service life of approximately 2000 hours and 20,000 hours, respectively, which is equivalent to only a fraction of the 100,000 hours of average trouble-free operating time of IPG single-core diodes, which means the use of lasers. You don’t have to replace the diodes during the lifetime. The all-solid-state fiber-to-fiber design of IPG fiber lasers saves you more because there is no need for optical adjustments or maintenance like traditional lasers, such as resonator lenses, crystals, liquids, and filters in conventional lasers.

d. Maintenance:

Unlike conventional lasers, fiber lasers require no maintenance or require minimal maintenance, depending on output power and other factors. No need to adjust the optics, no warm-up time and consumables/spare parts, saving you a lot of maintenance.

e. Investment Cost:

A fiber laser can perform various operations such as cutting, welding, drilling, etc., so that you do not have to purchase different lasers and laser systems separately for different operations, thus reducing your investment cost.

f. Tax Savings:

Section 179 of the US Tax Code allows companies to deduct the full purchase price of eligible equipment and/or software purchased or financed during the tax year. This means that if you purchase (or lease) an eligible device, so you can deduct the „full purchase price“ from the total revenue. This is an incentive set by the US government to encourage companies to buy equipment and invest on their own. For the latest information on capital purchases, rewards and depreciation, please refer to Section 179.

Buy IPG fiber lasers, fiber laser systems, or retrofit old laser sources with new energy-efficient fiber lasers. The U.S. government provides certain incentives in the form of deductions in Section 179; for more information, see the Section 179 website.

Disclaimer: But this is not a tax advice. For tax advice, please consult your tax advisor to find out which areas are appropriate for your business and situation. Any advice contained in this document is not intended to allow you (or any other taxpayer) to evade punishment under the revised Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and cannot be used for this purpose.

How to Start a Fiber Laser Cutting Business?-Teresa

Fiber laser cutting has now developed into a supreme technology in modern laser industry by virtue of its special advantages. Comparing fiber laser cutting with CO2 laser cutting or some other traditional cutting methods, we can find fiber laser cutting technology almost approaches perfection which is shown by its higher precision, delicate quality, faster speed, cleaner work, as well as lower cost of the whole cutting process. And practice will finally prove this.

Fiber laser cutting business is accordingly a hot branch of laser industry. If you are now considering start your business with a fiber laser cutting machine, you do need to prepare and investigate a lot of details. But once you have had a good knowledge about fiber laser cutting, then you have been in the half way of fiber laser cutting business success. To help you learn more about fiber laser cutting machines and choose a best suitable one, the following section will give you an elaborate explanation.

1.Decide which type of metal and product you will process.

Materials and product type are the first priority that you should consider. Fiber laser cutter works best for a wide range of metals, including stainless steel, carbon steel, galvanized sheets, copper plates, aluminum plates and so on. And its application can involve advertising signage, automobile manufacturing, mechanical equipment, electrical equipment, elevator equipment, etc. Although there are so many types of materials and applications, you should make your own choice before starting a fiber laser cutting business.fiber laser cutting machine


 2.Try to cut with the machine before buying it.

Many fiber laser cutting machine suppliers allow to make a trial cutting before you buy the machine. This can testify whether the machine has the anticipating performance like what the salesman promised. And you will have more confidence on the machine you chose.

3.Must have operating training and learn safety rules.

After you buy a fiber laser cutting machine, it’s time to master how to operate it rightly. Only user manuals from manufacture are far more sufficient to use the machine properly, to which an operating training and safety rule learning are a must. Right and safe operation on the fiber laser cutting machine is the ultimate way to achieve business success.

To start a fiber laser cutting business is not that easy. Because you need to pay attention to many points. Not only machine quality, but also warranty, technical support and working lifetime of the machine, market condition and target customers. For more details, we are willing to offer further help about fiber laser cutting machines.

Any question pls feel free to contact Teresa.

Email: xintian105@xtlaser

Whatsapp/Mobile: +8615006829603

Skype: xtlaser Teresa