
Laser Engraving Machine for Fashion Cup : Alex

Water glass as one of necessities of life, it have many different outside shape and material. Such as glass, ceramic, stainless steel, plastic and many other  composite material. Also we send our friends one beautiful cup as gift. Usually we made some special logo, letter or pattern on the cup with laser engraving machine.

Follow is some cup marking video with laser engraving machine

Tumbler Cup

Yeti cup is one very popular stainless steel cup in USA and Canada.  Usually this kind of cup is original stainless steel material. Laser marking service supplier use laser marking machine mark different pattern on the surface.

We can mark it with fiber laser marking machine and rotary axis. But now more people use co2 laser engraving machine and laser ink make. In the future, more and more people will instead co2 laser with fiber laser

Vacuum Cup

Vacuum cup have many different type and material. some is stainless steel and some of them is stainless steel.

  • stainless steel vacuum cup

In order to let the cup seems more beautiful, most cup have clad layer with different color. We can use laser engraving machine mark white color drawing on the surface.

Football Club Logo marking

Football as the first sport all over the world, so every football have a large fan team. If your friend is football fan, give him one cup with logo of his favorite club is the best gift,

  • Glass and stainless steel vacuum cup

This kind of cup have one transparent outside case and stainless steel inside case. Laser light could go through the transparent case and mark on the stainless steel directly.

Arsenal Football Club


Laser engraving have become one of the most suitable tools on gift service. Due to its price is lower and lower, more and more shop bought it.

Laser engraving machine

Desktop Fiber Laser Engraving Machine

laser engraving machine

If you are also interested in it, you can contact me.

Alex Wang

Email: xintian104@xtlaser.com

Mobile: 0086 18766152065

Skype: saint512406

Fiber Laser Marking Systems are the Good Choice for Industrial Applications–Doris

Since its inception in the late 1950s, lasers have been used to perform marking and engraving activities. For a majority of the time, two main laser systems were used by various industries – lamp pumped and diode pumped laser marking systems. Recently, new advances in research and technology have given way to a new laser system – fiber-based laser markers.

What are Fiber Laser Marking Systems?

These systems have been designed based on the latest in fiber pumping technology. The laser system is comprised of groups of optical fibers, which are impregnated with rare-earth atoms. Light-emitting diodes shine into the fibers, which pump the rare-earth atoms. When a majority of the rare-earth atoms are excited, a laser is created.

How are the First Generation Laser Systems Different from Fiber Laser Markers?

First generation flash lamp laser marking machines use a glass tube filled with a noble gas and a crystal rod with rare-earth atoms. A high voltage passes through the tube generating short bursts of intense white light. The light is then focused onto the crystal rod, pumping the rare-earth atoms to create the laser. Diode laser marking systems utilize semiconductor based LEDs in place of the noble gas filled tube. The light from the LEDs is focused onto the crystal rod, creating the laser.

Comparing Fiber and First Generation Laser Marking Systems

All three systems are being used for marking and engraving activities across America. Therefore, the only way to judge if one system is better is to create a comparison between the systems.

Benefits and Disadvantages of First Generation Laser Marking Systems


High energy beam

Long service life


Low stability

High expenditure

Large and bulky, requires a lot of factory space

Both systems require an external cooling system for heat control

Benefits and Disadvantages of Fiber Laser Marking Systems


Beam quality is better compared to first generation systems

Provides durability in terms of laser marking

Laser volatility is reduced to a great extent

Cost-effective operation

Eco-friendly – does not utilize harsh chemicals

Easy to install in any location

Small footprint

Uses air cooling system, which eliminates need for external cooling

Does not utilize any consumable resources

Requires minimal maintenance


Self-phase scattering

It is clear to see from the comparison that fiber laser technology trumps first generation laser systems. With its wide range of benefits, fiber laser marking systems can support a variety of industries including medical, OEM, military, and research laboratories.


If need more info, contact us freely!

Attn: Doris 

Email: xintian103@xtlaser.com

Skype: xtlaser103

Whatsapp: 008615990992073

The selection of laser marking machine-Angelina

   How to choose laser marking machine

 The laser marking machine, as we all know,sells well in the market. The transaction rate is higher than the cutting machine, if the customer ask for this machine. Therefore, we must grasp the opportunity to increase the transaction rate.

The classification of the machine

There are totally  two types of this  machine, the fiber laser marking machine , and the co2 laser marking machine.



co2 laser marking machinefiber laser marking machine


The difference between the two types lie that: the first photo is to mark wood and leather,whose materials are thicker. The second photo is used to mark non metal, plastic,stainless steel and etc.


 marking samples

co2 marking samples










How to introduce the machine

After receiving the inquiry of the customer, we need to learn about these questions:

1)what  is our customers job

2) What kind of material do they want to mark

3) What about the thickness of the material

4)What is the outcome do they want and etc

Learning about those questions could help us choose suitable machine for them. if the customer wants to mark the wood, leather  materials, we could introduce the first one, tell them that this type is more suitable, if they mark  other materials, like the plastic and much harder material, we could introduce the second one.

There are two types of the two kinds of machine, the desktop and the the mini type.

If the customer wants to a smaller one, we could introduce the mini type, this could save the sapce.

If they don’t consider the space , then we could introduce the desktop one.

Besides, there is another type: the pneumatic dot peen marking machine. This kind of machine is usually used to mark  vehicle chassis number or the motorcycle engine.

There are also two types of them:

 touch screen  typecomputer type

This is the portable type, one is with touch screen, another is with computer.

The Handheld type:

handheld type

This type is easier to operate than the portable one.

If u want to learn more about the laser marking machine, pls

contact Angelina Michael





What is Fiber Laser Marking ? –Doris

What is Fiber Laser Marking? Let’s take a look in this informative blog post!

A wide variety of businesses rely on laser marking technologies to decorate, categorize, or identify the products that they make. Finding the quickest and most effective way to produce markings on a specific material is critical to maximizing efficiency for each company. Fiber laser marking is one of many ways to produce product markings, and is a critical method for many operations.

Providing an industrial solution for product identification and traceability, our Fiber Laser Marking Systems allow manufacturers to mark or engrave serial numbers, bar codes, 2D Data Matrix and graphics on the widest variety of materials, including metals, plastics and ceramics.


fiber laser marking

fiber laser marking

What is Fiber Laser Marking?

In short, fiber laser marking is one method of using lasers to place identifiable permanent marks on an object.

For Example:

You may have seen a laser engrave your pet’s name on their ID tag, or noticed the laser marked apple logo on the back of your iPod.

The method can be done on a range of materials,  like plastics, metals, and ceramics. The practice does not involve the use of any stickers, ink, or tool bits by using the technique of laser engraving. Designs done by this method can be as intricate or as simple as desired, and due to the effect of carbonization, lasers are capable of marking some materials with colors.



How Fiber Laser Marking Works

What is Fiber Laser Marking? In Short, if you’re still unclear, Laser marking is done by changing the surface properties of a material. To achieve this, a low to medium powered laser beam is moved across the surface of the object. The laser beam will heat the material and cause oxidation, which discolors the affected areas of the material. Then, as the material cools, the surface anneals and finalizes the change. This type of marking is done without indenting the surface of the material and will remain intact in all but the harshest conditions.

Laser engraving, similar to laser marking, is a process that uses a laser to remove the surface of a material and leaves behind an indented etching of text or design.

Fiber lasers are the newest of three popular types of lasers on the market. They are known for their ability to anneal stainless steel, and heat to temperatures that draw carbon to the surface of a material.

Fiber lasers also perform well on various materials, such as:









And More..

fiber laser marking

Uses of Fiber Laser Marking

This technique is primarily used for identifying marks such as bar codes, QR codes, and logos. However, laser markers are found in virtually every industry and have a wide variety of uses. This equipment is especially popular for labeling machine parts, item numbers, manufacturing locations, or product numbers. These machines can be used to categorize products or leave markings to match with an assembly guide. Lasers are also used decoratively to place designs on objects or personalized marks on jewelry.

Advantages to Consider

Fiber laser marking machines are known for the high quality of their markings. Laser marked designs are extremely sharp and precise, which will last for an extended amount of time without wearing or fading. There are no replacement costs as there would be for ink jets and worn tool bits, and designs can be placed in a variety of high-contrast colors with no extra cost. The machines take up a small amount of space, and are air cooled rather than water cooled. They are preferable to other types of lasers due to their simplicity, strength, and efficiency.

If need more information about fiber laser marking machine, contact us freely!

Attn: Doris 

Email: xintian103@xtlaser.com

Skype: xtlaser103

Whatsapp: 008615990992073

How to Choose a Fiber Laser Marking Machine in market? — Part two –Doris

How to Choose a Fiber Laser Marking Machine in market?–Part two

Along with the important characteristics of the laser source, one must also consider the full laser marking system when coming to a decision, on which fiber laser marking machine will be best suited to an application:

Beam Steering for fiber laser marking machine:

A laser marking system can use one of two methods,  for steering the laser beam to make the necessary marks.

Galvanometer for fiber laser marking machine:

A Galvanometer based system for beam steering,  uses two mirrors that quickly oscillate to move the laser beam back and forth. This is similar to systems used for laser light shows. Depending on the focusing lens used on the system, this can provide a marking area as small as 2″ x 2″ or as large as 12″ x 12″. The galvanometer type system can be very fast, but generally has a longer focal length and thus a larger spot size. Also, with a galvanometer type system, it can be easier to account for contours on the part you are marking. This is achieved by including a lens on a third galvanometer,  to change the focal length while marking.

Gantry for fiber laser marking machine:

In Gantry type systems, the beam is steered via mirrors mounted on long linear axes, similar to what you might have seen on a 3D printer. In this type of system, the linear axes can be any size,  and so the marking area can be configured to whatever is needed. The gantry type systems are generally slower than the galvanometer system, since the axes have to move a much longer distance and have much more mass to move. However, with the gantry system, the focal length can be much shorter, allowing for smaller spot sizes. Generally, gantry systems are better suited for large, flat pieces such as signs or panels.

Software for fiber laser marking machine:

Like any major equipment, the software used should be user friendly, with a simple user interface and all of the features needed. Most laser marking software include the capability to import images, but one should be sure that the software can handle both vector files (such as .dxf, .ai, or .eps),  and raster files (such as .bmp, .png, or .jpg). Another important feature to check,  is that the laser marking software has the capability to create text, barcodes of various types, automatically changing serial numbers and date codes, simple shapes, or arrays of any of the above. Finally, some software includes the capability to edit vector files directly in the software itself, rather than using a separate image editor.
These basic factors can help you make an informed decision when purchasing a fiber laser marking system for your company.



fiber laser marking machine

fiber laser marking machine

More important details will continue~~~

Attn: Doris
Email: xintian103@xtlaser.com
Skype: xtlaser103
Whatsapp: 008615990992073

Select Suitable Power and Size for Fiber Laser Engraver Alex

Fiber laser engraver have very wide application on metal and some non-metal material engraving. Metal material like stainless steel, mild steel, brass, aluminum. Non-metal material like ABS, PVC, Rubber and many color coated product.

fiber laser engraver

fiber laser marking machine

When we want to buy fiber laser engraver, some suppliers recommend their machine to us directly. Even they don’t know our detail application and request. To be honest, really this is not a good supplier. They just want to sold their machine, not think about problems in our side.

In this case, how to select one suitable fiber laser engraver for ourselves?

Select suitable fiber laser engraver

  • Metal Material

If we use fiber laser marker on metal material, we need know what effect we will do.

Working size

Fiber laser engraver have three common working size, including 110*110mm ; 200*200mm; 300*300mm.

Additional there is some non-common working size like 50*50mm;70*70mm; 150*150mm; 175*175mm; 250*250mm.

Different working size have different focus length, it means large working size have longer focus length. The laser power strength will be weak heavily during transfer. so not all laser power could use all working size.

20w laser power, working size should less than 200*200mm, 110*110mm is the most common.

30w laser power, all working size are ok.

50w laser power, all working size are ok.

Engraving request

We have many different marking request for metal material, marking, deep engraving and gold&silver cutting.

20w laser power: marking

30w laser power: marking, deep engraving and gold&silver cutting

50w laser power; deep engraving and gold&silver cutting

50w fiber laser engraver is not common as its cost is much more higher than 20w and 30w. Usually we use it gold and silver cutting.

Also when we need do deep engraving or cutting, only 110*110mm working size or less is available.

Laser source

Laser source is heart of fiber laser marking machine. So we need pay more attention on laser power.

In China market, Germany IPG and China Raycus laser source is reliable and stable. As for other small brand, we don’t recommend you use it.


Jimmy have a gun shop in TX, he need to buy one fiber laser marking machine for gun marking. which machine is best?

Usually guns marking need do depth on the surface, so he can only use 110*110mm working size or less and 30w/50w laser power.


If you want to learn more details about fiber laser engraver, pls contact me directly.

Alex Wang

Email: xintian104@xtlaser.com

Mobile&whatsapp: 0086 18766152065

Skype: saint512406

How to chose the Fiber Laser Marking Machine in market?–Part One –Doris

If your company is in the manufacturing, electronics, or even medical sectors, sooner or later, all kinds metal and most plastic, you will require laser marking for your products and components. The best solution for this is a fiber laser marking machine. The non-contact fiber laser marking process is well-known among customers for the following reasons:



*High-temperature resistance

*Application to various materials

*No need for toxic inks, solvents, or acids

How to chose a fiber laser marking machine in market?

Only simply understanding the advantages of fiber lasers is not enough. There are other factors that you need to consider.

fiber laser marking machine
Factors for Choosing a Fiber Laser Marking Machine:

The following are parameters specific to the laser source, which you need to keep in mind when choosing a fiber laser marking machine.

Beam Quality: Beam quality is an important parameter, as it affects the laser’s processing capability. The reasons for the importance of beam quality are simple:

*A laser with better beam quality can remove material much faster, with better resolution, and improved quality.

*Laser markers with high beam quality can produce a focused optical spot size down to 20 microns or smaller.

*High beam quality lasers are particularly suited for scribing and cutting materials such as silicon, aluminum, and stainless steel.

Single or Multi-mode Lasers: There are two types of fiber lasers – single mode and multi-mode. Single mode fiber lasers deliver a narrow, high intensity beam that can be focused down to a spot size as small as 20 microns, and are generated within a fiber core of less than 25 microns. This high intensity is ideal for cutting, micro machining, and fine laser marking applications. Multi-mode lasers (also called higher order mode), use fibers with core diameters greater than 25 microns. This results in a beam with a lower intensity, and large spot size.Single mode lasers have the best beam quality, while multi-mode lasers allow for the processing of large components.

Mark Resolution: The type of fiber laser machine you choose will determine its mark resolution capabilities. The machine should be able to achieve a sufficient mark size and quality. Fiber laser marking machines generally consist of 1064nm lasers, which provide resolutions up to 18 microns.
fiber laser marking machine company
More important details will continue~~~

Attn:    Doris 
Email:   xintian103@xtlaser.com
Skype:   xtlaser103
Whatsapp:   008615990992073

Personal Tailor Solution — Laser Marking&Engraving Machine — Alex

Laser marking&engraving machine become more and more popular in handcraft and gift making field. Always we hope to get Personal Tailor product when buy some small piece. With the development of Laser marking&engraving machine , also the Personal Tailor become easier and easier. Among young people, if one gift shop could accept Personal Tailor. it is much more popular than others even its price may little higher.

Now let us see some common Personal Tailor laser marking&engraving application around our life

  • Phone case

Mobile phone have become irreplaceable communication tools in our life, but the common model is limited. We can saw many people use all same phone with ourselves. If we add one personal phone case, everything will be different.

ABS plastic phone case photo marking

Anodized aluminium phone case marking

Now most phone brand use anodized aluminum on the mid-to-high price range, including IPHONE, HUAWEI, Samsung etc brand.

  • Key chains

Key chains is so popular in our life, check your key chains, if you find its surface have some drawing, letter, photo etc. Yes it is laser marking&engraving machine product.

Most key chains are stainless steel or coated non-metal material, both of them could do laser marking&engraving processing.

In winter, stainless steel vacuum cup is very convenient to carry. One simple stainless steel cup may seems monotonous. But if we mark some drawing on the surface, all will be different

Except above common product in our life, nearly all small piece could saw the laser marking&engraving. such as pen, notebook, necklace etc. All of these product will use laser marking & engraving machine.

Laser marking&engraving machine sample

cup marking

Laser marking & engraving machine is easy on operation, even one green hand also can use it very well within 1 day.

Also, it is maintenance free machine, except electric power cost, it have no any other quick wear parts. Also this is why laser marking & engraving machine become so popular now.

If also you are interested in laser marking & engraving machine, pls let me know it.

Alex Wang

Email: xintian104@xtlaser.com

Mobile: 0086 18766152065

Skype: saint512406


Laser Marking Solution – What Is Mopa Fiber Laser Marking Machine

What is Mopa fiber laser marking machine

The most popular way of achieving power scalability is the „MOPA“ (Master Oscillator Power Amplifier) approach. The „MO“ produces a highly coherent beam, and an optical „A“ is used to increase the power of the beam while preserving its main properties. The „MO“ has no need to be powerful, and has no need to operate at high efficiency because the efficiency is determined mainly by the „PA“. The combination of several laser amplifiers seeded by a common „MO“ is essential concept of the High Power Laser Energy Research Facility. This is mopa fiber laser marking machine

Different between Mopa laser with Q-switched laser

Now Q-switched fiber laser marking machine is the most popular fiber laser marking solution in market. We use mopa laser on more and more fields.

But also it have limited on some special material, such as stainless steel, anodised aluminium, plastic etc.  In order to recover the deficiencies of Q-switched fiber laser marking machine, we make new mopa fiber laser source. 

Compared with Q-switched fiber laser source, Mopa laser’s pulse could be adjusted. so it have more wide application then Q-switched laser.

What we can do with Mopa laser

  • color marking on stainless steel

With mopa fiber laser marking machine, we can do many beautiful color on stainless steel, such as red, blue, pink, green etc.

Q-switched fiber laser marking machine can only do ordinary marking on anodised aluminium. With mopa fiber laser marking machine we can do black marking on anodised aluminium easily.

  • Phone case

We know most phone case are anodised aluminium material now. such as Iphone, Ipad, HUWWEI, Samsung etc. Now most of them use mopa laser marking machine mark serial number, IMEI number, logo etc.

  •   White marking on black plastic & black marking on white plastic

In China market, the best mopa laser source is JPT mopa laser, including M1 and M6 series.

If you want to know more about mopa laser marking machine, contact me

Alex Wang


Phone&whatsapp:0086 18766152065

mopa fiber laser marking machine

mopa fiber laser marking machine

Fiber Laser Marking Machine – Widely Laser Marking Application

Laser marking and laser engraving are applied on a wide range of metals including steel, stainless steel, aluminum, brass, copper and more.


The tooling industry has adapted laser processing significantly over the years. Some of the outdated processes that have been replaced by lasers are chemical etching, dot pin, electro-etching and stamping. Manufacturers are using lasers for marking, carbide inserts, hand tools, government initiatives are using lasers for tracking valuable tools as well as marking critical information on specialty tools for aerospace. Anywhere an ID, tractability or logo is required, lasers are the ideal solution.


Laser processing is widely used throughout the automotive industry. XT LASER has supplied systems for laser marking pistons, back lit buttons, VIN numbers, brake components, and bearings among several other automotive applications.


Laser processing has significant advancements over existing technologies. XT produces industrial grade systems combined with cutting edge laser technology for the semiconductor, flat panel and solar industries. The tech is used for ID laser marking of IC chips, scribing and circuit traces for flat panel and solar markets.


Medical companies are rapidly converting to laser processing technology. Medical regulations and guidelines are easily met with laser technologies. Lasers are used for ID and tractability in addition to manufacturing processes like drilling, welding and cutting.


Laser Processing has only recently started to take hold of the packaging industry, but the benefits are far reaching. Companies are going GREEN by using laser marking on corrugated boxes as opposed to printing alternatives. In addition, laser cutting systems are being used to produce samples to even low volume production of boxes and other paper based materials used in the packaging industry.


Laser processing is used in applications from marking tactical weapons and munitions to laser cutting armor plate for military vehicles. The military has mandated a standard that all weapons as well as high value tools be marked with lasers.


ATF regulations have led the firearms industry to seek solutions for laser marking for marking and identifications of weapons. In addition lasers are being used to replace hand operations for checkering as well as decorative marking on receivers.


Laser processing is widely used throughout the aerospace industry. Lasers are being used to cut, engrave and mark in a vast range of areas.


Laser marking is ideal for personalizing a wide range of substrates. Pictures can even be replicated directly into stone wood and even metal.


Contact Alex Wang

Email: xintian104@xtlaser.com

Mobile: +86 18766152065