
High Power Laser Cutting Machine from XTLASER-Eliza

High Power Laser Cutting Machine from XTLASER

High power laser cutting machine. With the development of laser technology.  High-power laser cutting machines can use air cutting when cutting carbon steel materials of more than 10mm. The cutting effect and speed are much better than those with low and medium power limit power cutting. Not only has the gas cost in the process reduced, and the speed is also several times higher than before. It is becoming more and more popular among metal processing industry.

Fiber laser cutter

Fiber laser cutter


The super high-power fiber laser cutting machine technology has obvious advantages when cutting metal materials of different thicknesses. How to correctly use the super-power fiber laser cutting machine to achieve the ideal cutting effect requires mastering its processing technical parameters and operating procedures. Especially in the cutting process of metal laser cutting machine, you must choose the appropriate cutting speed, otherwise it may cause several bad cutting results. The main manifestations are as follows:

What is the effect of the cutting speed of the high-power fiber cutter?

1. When the laser cutting speed is too fast, it will cause the following undesirable results:

① The phenomenon of inability to cut and random sparks;

②The cutting surface has oblique stripes, and melting stains are generated in the lower half;

③The whole section is thicker, and there is no melting stain;

2. When the laser cutting speed is too slow, it will cause:

①The cutting surface is rough, causing over-melting.

②The slit becomes wider and melts at the sharp corners.

③Affect the efficiency of cutting.

Therefore, in order to make the ultra-high-power fiber laser cutting machine better perform its cutting function, you can judge whether the feed speed is appropriate from the cutting spark of the laser equipment:

1. If the sparks spread from top to bottom, it indicates that the cutting speed is appropriate;

2. If the spark tilts backward, it indicates that the feed speed is too fast;

3. If the sparks appear to be non-spread and less, and condense together, it indicates that the speed is too slow.

So, with a good and steady laser cutting machine, and on time online afterserivce is also important to ensure the use of laser cutting machine.


Any questions, just feel free to contact

Eliza Liu

Whatsapp: 008613173025103

Email: lasermachine01@xtlaser.com

why choose IPG fiber laser cutting machine-Jill

why choose IPG fiber laser cutting machine-Jill


Firstly,IPG laser source

IPG is Germany brand.It is made in China,Russia,USA.We send it by random.

Advantage of IPG
1)High photoelectric conversion rate
Can reach 45%, other brands are only about 25%
2)German brand ,good quality,laser power weakened slower than other brand.
3)High market share, a certain degree of reaction to brand strength and quality
4) low failure rate, only 3%
5)light power can be seen in real time
6)after-sale service spots all over the world, problems can be resolved in time

Secondly,nLIGHT laser source

nLIGHT , Raycus, IPG , are three popular band laser source in market,
Raycus and IPG are for normal metal, such as carbon steel, stainless steel , galvanized sheet .etc, not high reflective metal.
But some clients want to cut some high reflective metals, such as aluminium, copper, brass, etc.
If use Raycus or IPG to cut high reflective metal, laser source will alarm, and do harm to laser source, because laser beam will return back to laser generator.

But nLIGHT laser source, it has Back-reflection isolation, so it can not only cut carbon steel, stainless steel , galvanized sheet .etc, not high reflective metal, and high reflective metals, such as aluminium, copper, brass, etc.


And also,we share the Cutting videos FYI.

brass cutting:



Aluminum cutting:




More questions just let us know.
Jill from XT LASER
E: xintian143@xtlaser.com
WhatsApp&Wechat&Mobile: +86 130 4603 3839
Skype: lasermachine01

Can Fiber Laser Cutting Machine Use Air As Auxiliary Gas?-Anne

Can Fiber Laser Cutting Machine Use Air As Auxiliary Gas?


Why should the auxiliary gas be added to the fiber laser cutting machine when cutting metal materials?

There are four reasons

The first is to make auxiliary gas and metal materials chemical reaction, increase the strength of the ability.

The second is to help the equipment blow off the slag from the cutting area and clean the slit.

The third is to reduce the size of the heat affected zone by cooling the adjacent area of the slit.

The fourth is to protect the focus lens and prevent the burning product from contaminating the optical lens.

What are the auxiliary gases commonly used in fiber laser cutting machines? Can air be used as auxiliary gas?

Laser cutting experts tell everyone that fiber laser cutting machine in cutting metal sheet, can choose nitrogen, oxygen, air these three types of gas as auxiliary gas.

Their roles are as follows:


When cutting a color plate such as stainless steel or aluminum, choose nitrogen as an auxiliary gas to cool and protect the material. When cutting metal section is relatively bright, good results.


When cutting carbon steel, you can use oxygen because oxygen has the function of cooling and accelerating combustion to accelerate cutting. cutting speed is the fastest of all gases.


For cost savings, use air to cut stainless steel, but there are subtle burrs on the back. Just sand it with sandpaper. This means that the fiber laser cutter can choose air as auxiliary gas when cutting certain materials. And when using air have to select Air compressors.

However, laser cutting experts suggest, such as 1000 watts fiber laser cutting machine examples. 1mm of carbon steel and stainless steel is best cut with nitrogen or air, the effect will be better. With oxygen will burn edge, the effect is not ideal.

Hope it is helpful for you.If you have any confused of machine,welcome to contact to XT LASER.

Sales Manager:Anne Zhang




Fiber laser cutting machine working in industries:Charry

Fiber laser cutting machine working in industries

Fiber laser cutting machine working in industries.

With the integration and adjustment of the sheet metal manufacturing industry, the future market demand for laser cutting machines will become larger and larger.

Following four industries.

Firstly, sheet metal processing.

Laser cutting machine has the advantages of high precision, high speed, especially flexible processing (no need to open the mold),. And it has become the development direction of sheet metal processing technology. The high cost performance of laser is unique in the sheet metal industry and is greatly favored by sheet metal enterprises. Laser equipment has become a strong guarantee for business orders of sheet metal processing centers.

Secondly,Automobile manufacturing.

The automotive industry is a high-tech industry. Laser is an advance manufacturing method. In European and American industrial countries, 50% to 70% of auto parts cutting with laser processing. The automotive industry mainly uses laser welding. And laser cutting are the main processing methods, including plane cutting and three-dimensional cutting.

Thirdly, petroleum pipes.

Laser cutting of petroleum sieves is one of the typical applications of laser cutting technology in the petrochemical industry. During oil drilling, sand control in loose formations is one of the most critical parts in the design of well completion and production engineering. Generally, a large number of small gaps are around the pipe to block most of the sand layer. The important feature of laser cutting of pipes is that it can cut gradient-type slits with wide width and narrow width, or narrow width and narrow width, so that the petroleum sieve pipe has better performance.

Fourthly, agricultural machinery.

Many agricultural machinery manufacturers in the United States, Italy, Ireland, South Korea, Malaysia, China and the United Kingdom have adopted laser cutting machines for processing, which has accelerated the speed of design updates, improved product quality, and greatly reduced costs. The market demand responded faster.

In fact, there are many industries in life that can use laser cutting technology, such as the advertising industry, cabinets, electrical cabinets, etc.

Finally,any questions about fiber laser cutting machine.

Contact us.



Using a new fiber laser cutting machine:Charry

Using a new fiber laser cutting machine

Using a new fiber laser cutting machine.

When buying a laser cutting machine, users may be focus on the price of the laser cutting machine, how to use it, how to achieve the ideal cutting speed, cutting effect, etc., but ignore what needs to prepare.when using the newly equipment.In fact, there are still many techniques for using the new machine.

Firstly. Select a dry, ventilated place with good air quality and sufficient space to place the equipment. After placing the new machine in an appropriate location, fix the equipment.

Secondly. Although the newly equipment has been debugged and tested for relevant parameters at the manufacturer, the newly purchased machine will inevitably be subject to bumps during transportation. Therefore, after the new machine has landed, it needs to be debugged on site.

Thirdly. When cutting with new equipment, try to avoid adjusting the cutting speed to the limit.

Fourthly. Almost all equipment supports 24-hour continuous operation, but during the operation of the new machine, try to avoid 24 hours of overload cutting in order to catch up with production capacity. This is not only applicable to the use of new machine skills in the subsequent cutting The same applies.

Fifthly. After the equipment arrives at the factory, there is a professional after-sales engineer for training in equipment operation. Be sure to listen carefully and ask some precautions to avoid machine failure caused by improper operation in a short time.

Sixthly. In the event of equipment failure, communicate with the manufacturer’s after-sales in a timely manner.

Finally, the newly purchased laser cutting machine must pay attention to daily maintenance and maintenance to achieve the maximum use value of the equipment and extend the service life of the equipment.

Any questions,contact us.



How to improve fiber laser cutting quality of your machine?-Anne

How to improve fiber laser cutting quality of your machine?

As we all know, the most important advantage of metal laser cutting machine is that it can greatly improve the cutting accuracy.

However, many customers have such problems during the actual use process, that is, only pay attention to the cutting speed, which will lead to the product quality can’t be effectively controlled.

So how to ensure the quality of laser cutting?XT LASER will share with you.

1.Preparation before cutting

In order to improve the cutting quality, it is necessary to carry out scientific and reasonable cutting design, review and repair the drawings before cutting.

2.During cutting

During the cutting process, in addition to adjusting the relevant parameters of the machine according to the material thickness, your operator should pay attention to the cutting quality of the sample. The batch cutting shall be carried out only after the sample printing quality is qualified enough.

3.Correct adjustment of focus position

Adjust the position of focus according to the material and thickness of the cut.

Usually thin carbon steel below 5mm, with zero focal length and focus on the surface of the workpiece,aluminum, stainless steel and other workpiece focus on the surface of the workpiece,when cutting thick carbon steel plate, the focus is on the surface of the workpiece.

4.Adjust assist gas pressure data

When cutting at a faster speed, the stability of gas pressure has a great influence on the cutting burr.

According to the data parameters , to ensure the quality after cutting we can adjust the best gas pressure.

Hope it is helpful for you. If you have any questions,welcome to contact us.

Sales Manager:Anne Zhang




How to use fiber laser cutting machine safely:Charry

How to use fiber laser cutting machine safely

How to use fiber laser cutting machine safely.

Firstly. Develop and comply with equipment operating procedures.

1) Develop and strictly follow the operating procedures of the equipment.
2) Check the safety of the system before starting the machine, especially the switch of the shutter.
3) Maintain the machine in time.

Secondly.the site must be with fire extinguishing equipment.

The fire-fighting device and other fire-fighting implementations should be next to the laser cutting machine. The operator should understand the layout and master the usage.

Thirdly.the location of the laser cutting machine as a dangerous area management.

The area where the equipment is located shall be designated as a danger zone, and the area shall be enclosed by a telescopic belt to ensure that the laser leaking outside the danger zone is below the reachable emission limit.
Warning signs should be placed at the entrances and exits of the danger zone, including:
· Invisible laser radiation
· Four types of laser products
· Laser cutting machine power
· Prohibit outsiders from entering
· Pay attention to protect your eyes
When the laser cutting machine is working, it is strictly for anyone to approach the danger zone.

Fourthly.no fatigue, drink operation

The use of laser processing equipment such as laser cutting machines is a big risk, and if it is negligent, it is likely to cause injury. Therefore, it is strictly to operate the laser cutting machine after fatigue and drinking.

Fifthly. Do not directly view of the laser beam.

The wavelength of the laser beam of a fiber laser is not easy to see,but long time watching will damage the eyes.

Finally. It is forbidden to open the hood of the laser during the operation.

It is strictly forbidden to open the laser hood during the operation of the laser.

Any questions,contact us.



Focus on laser cutting machine laser source:Charry

Focus on laser cutting machine laser source

Focus on laser cutting machine laser source.

Single-mode and multi-mode beam quality comparison.
In the cutting application, the focused spot has a great influence on the quality of the cut. The core of the single-mode laser is relatively thin and the beam quality is better than multimode. The energy distribution is Gaussian andthe intermediate energy density is the highest and the three-dimensional map is a sharp circle like the shape of the mountain.

The core of a multimode laser is coarser than that of a single mode. The energy distribution is smaller than that of a single mode. The three-dimensional image is an average of a single-mode spot. The three-dimensional image is an inverted cup. From the edge steepness, the multimode ratio is steep, comparing to the single mode.

Comparison of 1.5KW single mode and 1.5KW multimode laser with the same power.

1mm thin plate cutting speed single mode is 20% higher than multi mode. And the visual effect is similar. But from 2mm, the speed advantage is gradually reduced. Starting from 3mm, the speed and effect of high power multi mode laser are very obvious.

Therefore, the advantage of single mode is thin plate and the advantage of multi mode is thick plate. Single mode and multi mode are not worth comparing each other. They are all a configuration of fiber laser. Just like a car, the car is suitable for highway. And the off-road is suitable for mountainous. However, the car can also run on the mountain, and the off-road can also run on the road. Therefore, in the end, the choice of multi-mode or single-mode fiber laser depends on the processing needs of the actual end customer.

According to the market development,IPG and Raycus both have single and multi mode laser source,when there is a large differences on machine cost,pls check if the suppliers use same mode.

Any quesitons,contact us.



Why need the fiber laser cutting machine?Charry

Why need the fiber laser cutting machine?

Why need the fiber laser cutting machine?

Actually, we talked with many customers for the cutting machines.There are many different kinds of the cutting equipment.

Like water jet,flame cutting machine,co2 cutting machine,and our fiber laser cutting machine.

Last week,there is one customer,who want to buy our fiber laser cutting machine, he already have a water jet machine,but he also want the fiber.

And why he want to buy fiber laser cutting machine?

According to his feedback,following with some ideas:
For water jet machine,its is suitable for thick plate cutting,20-30mm cutting.
For fiber laser cutting machine,its is suitable for thin plate cutting,0-20mm cutting.

For water jet machine,the cutting speed is really slow.
For fiber laser cutting machine,the cutting speed is fast.

For water jet machine,when cutting thin plate,2mm carbon steel, stainless steel or Aluminum,cooper,brass,the cutting speed is slow,but the Operating cost is really higher,the effect cost did not match the operating cost,even will be lower than the operating cost.

For fiber laser cutting machine,when cutting,the speed is fast,and there just need the power consumption,and some gas consumption(Oxygen,Nitrogen),the cost is really lower.
Some of our water jet customers also use the compress air to cut,the cost is lower than using Oxygen,Nitrogen. Its suitable for cutting below 5mm thickness.

Why need the fiber laser cutting machine?

Last Saturday,i just made one testing to my American customer,he sent us their cutting files,show you the cutting effect:

2mm carbon steel cutting by 1000w fiber laser cutting machine:Cutting time is :1mintues and 37 seconds。

Every kind of machine com  es to the market,that is to improve the working efficiency,save cost,save energy,etc.

But  also  not mean will instead of traditional tools totally,sometimes working with two machines will have better job.

If you are looking for fiber laser cutting machine,contact us.



Tube fiber laser cutting machine working efficiency:Charry

Tube fiber laser cutting machine working efficiency

Tube fiber laser cutting machine working efficiency.

Compared with traditional processing methods, laser cutting machines have many advantages.

High cutting flexibility.The ability to cut, layer, specify blocks or select areas for cutting and direct molding allows you to freely cut and freely cut.

The cutting quality is good.The contour of the film is round and smooth, smooth and burr-free, and there is no overflow glue, which effectively solves the problem of burrs and glue overflowing near the window by mechanical processing such as mold, thereby improving product quality and upgrading. Product competitiveness.
Accurate positioning: PC/PCB contour cutting, drilling High-precision CCD automatic positioning, auto focus, making positioning fast and accurate, saving time and worry, high efficiency.

The advantages of laser tube cutting machines compared to traditional cutting.

Firstly, processing mode, high efficiency After focusing, the extremely thin laser beam like a tool, which can cut the metal material arbitrarily finely without mechanical extrusion or mechanical stress, so it will not damage the shape of the object. The size of the beam after laser focusing is extremely small, and the heat-affect area is small. The slit is smooth and beautiful, no need for subsequent processing, and the processing is fine. Therefore, laser machine can complete some processes that conventional methods can not make it.

Secondly, low cost, fully automatic, easy to operate.

1, laser processing speed.
2. The “tool” used in the tube laser cutting machine is the spot after focusing. No need to add other equipment and materials. Only the laser can work normally, and it can process continuously for a long time.
3. The laser processing is automatically controlled by the computer, and no manual intervention is required for production.

Thirdly, the realization of zero backlog inventory laser processing flexibility, easy to change. For different customer orders, just draw a processing map on the computer, the product can be released immediately, saving the conventional mold opening production costs, so it effective Avoid differentiated production of the same product and reduce the risk of product backlog.

Finally,if you are looking the laser machine,hope our suggestions can help you.

