
2D laser marking or 3D laser marking—Tony

 2D laser marking or 3D laser marking

When industry come into this new age, laser processing has become a popular processing method. This is must inevitable. Because it is fast, efficient, green and environmentally friendly, this kind of process wins the favor of more and more users certainly.
The common two-dimensional laser marking machine has been widely used in the plane marking of various products. The 3D laser marking machine can realize the research and development of high-quality marking equipment for three-dimensional surface. And it has become a research hot spot and important point for market development.

The differences between 2D laser marking and 3D laser marking:

First, a wider range and finer lighting effects. There are two types marking of 3D machine : front focusing and rear focusing. When the front focusing mode adopts, the main purpose is to achieve a larger marking range. Generally, the X and Y axis deflection lenses is larger, incident laser spots is larger and obtain smaller focusing spots with higher laser beam energy density. So as to meet the standard requirements of a larger area.

Second, the focal length can change to realize three-dimensional marking. Because 3D marking can quickly change the focal length of laser and the position of laser beam. So it is possible to mark curved surfaces that cannot be realized in 2D in the past. After using 3D marking, the cylindrical marking in the light projection range can be completed at one time, greatly improving the processing efficiency. Moreover, the surface shape of many parts of industrial products is not just a plane, so there is really nothing for 2D marking. At this time, 3D marking is easier to realize.

Third, it is more suitable for deep carving. There are inherent defects in traditional 2D marking for deep carving on the surface of objects. The laser focus moves up in the carving process. So the laser energy acting on the actual surface of objects will drop sharply. And it seriously affects the effect and efficiency of deep carving. 3D marking for deep engraving processing does not have the above problems, which not only ensures the effect but also improves the efficiency.

How does the lens affact?—Tony

How does the lens affact?

Lens size

When customer purchase a laser marking machine, the one important question is the lens deciding. Why this is so important? It is because the machine will only with one lens.  So that means if you choose one which is  incorrect. Then your machine may not able to achieve what you want it to do. So in usual, there are these model below:

50 * 50mm, 110 * 110mm, 175 * 175mm, 200 * 200mm, 300 * 300mm.

The lens‘ price are same. So there are lots of customers are willing to choose bigger size. Because the model defined by working area. The customers who want the biggest one was thinking that might process bigger stuff. But is the idea correct?

Definitely no, I always say that there is not a machine could do anything for you.

How to choose lens?

First you need to know what is the maximum size you need to mark for your object. If the object is only 100*100mm, Then you choose 110*110mm. Do not choose bigger size. Because laser is a kind of light. If you do want to engraving, deep engraving, or even cutting. The lens you choose bigger, it means the laser from two sides are weaker.

When the scanning area reaches a certain level, the light spot diameter is very large, not sufficiently fine. Because the spot becomes large,the distortion increases,so the power density of laser decreases rapidly, and the working distance lengthens. This inevitably leads to the loss of laser energy. So it doesn’t conducive to precision machining.

By the way, when customers choosing it, the customers also need to consider the overall configuration. If you already decide to purchase a 20w machine. But you still want a 300*300mm lens. Then the power of laser is very weak.

So  in short, to choose best one for a machine, you need to consider it carefully.

What is Mopa laser marking machine?—Tony

What is Mopa laser marking machine?

What is Mopa laser marking machine?  As a sales person, for this question, I was often asked. So what is the Mopa laser on earth? I will give all the persons who read my blog a best answer.

Mopa principle

Mopa is a name of laser source type. The difference between Mopa and regular fiber laser marking machine is not too big. Because, Mopa is fiber laser in principle. But Mopa’s pulse is adjustable. But for regular fiber laser machine, the laser source’s pulse is fixed. However both of them are fiber laser, the only difference in principle is whether it adjust the pulse.

Thus, why people design a laser source that could adjust laser pulse? What is it used for?

Since people can adjust the laser pulse, then it achieves multi-color marking on metal materials.

Like the video below, We used Mopa to coloring mark stainless steel.

Mopa Functions

But as you can see, the speed of color marking is very slow.  So what other advantage make Mopa still occupy the laser marking market?

At present, the aluminium oxide is a general materials for smart phone case. The Mopa laser is very good to do it. If use the regular fiber laser source to mark aluminium oxide. It won’t mark black on it. You will see it is the grey color if you see at the front.  But if you see from two sides,  it will turn to black. And you can feel burr on the material surface. But using Mopa laser, these questions will be gone.

And  If you bought a Mopa marking machine. You just set the pulse be fixed. Then the machine will become a fiber laser marking machine. Then it will enhance the speed of marking. So the Mopa laser machine could become a regular laser marking machine. So that is why, price of Mopa will higher than fiber laser. Mopa laser machine has more functions.

In short, XT laser use the mopa laser source from JPT and Raycus in general. If you do interested in our machine.


You can just Email me: xintian124@xtlaser.com



How to Pick Out and Buy in China—Tony

Customers Pick Out and Buy Machines in China

Recently, I have lots of customers to pick one machine for his own business. But they do not have many purchase experience for machines or for purchasing abroad. I do want to write a blog for the customers who is lacking of experience for purchasing abroad.

First thing you should do when you contact with a sale person, you should let him or her to know your authenticity. Because of the business is war without bullets. Just like a war, there are many spies to spy each other. For business is same. Sometimes we will serve a fake customer, that may the person who from other companies to spy our information. Such as price, configuration, and direction of scientific research. The salesman will define „the customer“  whether the real customers or spies from other company.

How do we estimate a person’s authenticity. In general, if the suffix of email address is company name. We could search it from google. Then the customer has more percentage should be real. So if you have a company email, please use it. Because the trust is the foundation of trade. And if you can answer the phone call and have the communication with the sales. Then sales will absolute trust you.

And once you guys trust each other. How can you guys use the shortest period of time to figure out which model is best for you. If customer have the sample of pics, and the parameter of the material he will process. Send to the sales. There is no machine could done anything for customer. Any machine has their limitation. So customer need to know which work he must be done. And which work is you willing to do.  We can only find the most suitable machine for you.

Once you guys make sure the machine could help you to do the thing you want. Then I believe for next step is select and shipping method and confirm the delivery date.  When you clear everything. Then we should go into the price negotiation part. But many customer just ask price when they send the first email. We even don’t know how to give you a price if we didn’t select a machine.

Operation manual for fiber laser marking machine—Tony

Operation manual for fiber laser marking machine

To compare with other heavy machines,Operation of the fiber laser marking machine is easy. Because its principle is not too hard, and the structure of the machine is very simple. In general, this type of machine is user-friendly. Base on our customers‘ feedback, people will figure out how to use it in couple hours. But there are some customers still fear of the machines may cause hazard, or be afraid to break the machine. So today, I wrote a  operation manual for our fiber laser marking machine customers.

I will talk these step by step. Once you get the machine, open the package, connect the power.

Operation manual

Step 1

Opening the control box. Connecting the laser and connect the control card and power supply correctly, and turn on the power switch.

Step 2

Second,to turn on the main control box key switch.

Step 3

Third, To ensure that the emergency stop switch is not turning on.

Step 4

To turn on the laser power. And the computer/lap top.

Step 5

Starting the control galvanometer power switch;Start the red light switch.

Step 6

Opening the Ezcad software adjustment software related parameters in the computer/software for laser marking. At this time, ensure the laser working focal length ,by another word, to make sure the laser focus on the materials‘ surface. And if the control box key switch is not turned on first, the galvanometer and red light are not responding.

How to adjust the Ezcad software?

The three big elements of fiber laser marking machine are speed, power and frequency.

Power: Set the percentage power of the laser device by laser software to 1%–100% adjustable;

Frequency: The laser light output frequency of the laser device is set by the laser software 10–100KHZ adjustment;


All in all, for fiber laser marking machine, it doesn’t like the big heavy machine. The customer to operate it very easy. Sometime when I wait for the customer to clear their cargo from their custom. They always said wait for my message to let me know how to operate it. But only few customer will ask me for that.  Basiclly if you can understand the manual we put in cargo, you become a expert user.


Difference between laser cutting machine and plasma cutting machine—Tony

Difference between laser cutting machine and plasma cutting machine

The difference between fiber laser cutting machine and plasma cutting machine–At present, in the market,  the laser or plasma cutting machines are the most popular. They have a widely using field in industrial filed.Such as kitchen, lamps, automobiles, machinery, advertising.customers who use Plasma-cutting machine don’t know much about laser cutting.And they do not know how to  choose. So what is the different between two of them.

 Laser cutting machine:

Laser cutting machine.the laser beam releases energy when it irradiates to the metal sheet surface. And energy melts the  surface of metal and metal evaporates.Thereby it achieves the purpose of cutting. The laser has the direction.The luminous intensity is intense. So that the cutting speed is fast,and  the precision is high.The cutting quality is good, and the cutting gap is narrow.The laser cutting heat affected zone is small .The deformation is extremely small.And the cutting is safe, clean and pollution-free.Thus greatly improves the working environment of the operator.

 Plasma cutting:

The heat of the high temperature plasma arc is very much.We use it to melt and evaporate the metal surface. And we use the momentum of the high speed plasma to  remove the molten metal .Thus can form a slit.


The first is the degree of damage.High quality laser cutting does not hurt the workpiece. Plasma cutting will have large or small damage. If there is a problem with the plasma cutting machine, it will cause obvious defects on the sheet.

The second is cutting slit: The laser beam  focuse into a small spot, the workpiece cutting seam is narrow.And the plasma cutting slit is larger than the laser cutting machine slit.

Third,it is the cutting speed: High quality laser cutting machine is much faster than  plasma.
 Finally, the cutting accuracy:  for laser cutting machine , it is  0.05mm, repeat positioning accuracy of 0.02mm. And plasma cutting is lower than laser cutting machine cutting accuracy.

The fiber laser cutting 4.5 SS video is below:

In addition, we should  note. After high quality laser cutting machine finish working, do not rush to touch it.so as not to burn yourself.

Those are the  difference betwen high quality laser cutting machine  and Plasma.

Hope this can be helpful for u.

The Primary Products of XT (V Laser Cutting Machine)—Tony

The Primary Products of XT (V Laser Cutting)

Laser Cutting Machine

Following by last chapter, we talked about Laser Cutting Machine. For this chapter, we will keep going.

Laser Cutting Machines Principle

The principle of fiber laser cutting machine is similar with other stuff. The laser will focus on the materials surface. The beam will release the energy. Achieve cutting purpose by evaporation. The movement of laser cutting machine head is by motor drive to cutting. It doesn’t seem like laser marking machine. The movement of laser is a kind of mechanical motion, instead of reflection by lens. The movement of X axis,Y axis and Z axis drive by servo motor. More important is the guide rail and gear rack have to select very accurate products. Only in this way, the machine could minimize the error.

Laser Cutting Machine Model Selection

For model selection, There are three types based model from XT Laser. They are Model S, Model H, and Model W. Those are open type. We use the most economical components. This model was designed for ADs industry. In general, the companies from ADs industry are also looking for laser marking machine or laser engraving machine. Model H and Model W will provide to metal sheet industry. Model W ‚s configuration will better than Model H, this the reason cause Model W’s price higher than Model H.

And for Model H and Model W, both of them could add exchange table and enclosed cover on them. It will reach to the some place’s efficiency requirement and safety standard. Also both of them could add tube cutter on it. Then it will realize one cutting head could work on sheet and tube. Of course, we have the laser cutting machine for tube only. It has ability to cut rectangle and circle tube.


In the end, there are lots of factor could influence the machine’s performance. The parts are also important. We will talk the parts detail next chapter.


Devices for Light Guide Panel Manufacturer—Tony

Devices for Light Guide Panel Manufacturer

At, present,light guide panel is widely used.Lately, I just received an inquiry. A customer just come in to manufacturing industry. The products he will produce which is Light Guide Panel. So as a new person,  he is not so clear what kind of machines he need. And he also no idea how to choose a device for his company. Then I told him all stuff as I know. I want to share with you guys. And I am very willing to you guys can add something. Just left your comment below. It is will be more helpful.

To make light guide panels, if we have already gotten PMMA aryclic, then another two steps are cutting and dotting. After those two steps,  basically light guide panel will be made.

Cutting, laser engraving machine

The movement of laser engraving machine head is by motor drive to cutting. So when we choose how power we need, the working area is not a factor.

The factor is thickness. Basically, the greater of thickness, the greater of power you need. We choose laser engraving machine rather than fiber laser machine. Since it will work on non-metal materials. Fiber laser is can not work on aryclic. In general, the thickness for produce light guide panel is between 6mm to 8mm. The minimum power required is 100W.  130 W and 150 W are also good on it. They are faster than 100W.

Dotting, LGP marking machine

For LGP marking machine, its theory is different with laser engraving machine. LGP marking machine, The head won’t move. There is a mirror in the head. The mirror moves cause the laser move.  So the working area is very important for LGP machine.  The laser on both sides is not as strong as the middle. For LGP marking machine, the thickness is not the most important factor for power. But the working area is the most important thing. We will choose power by working area.

In short, we decide how the power is by working area for LGP marking machine(dotting machine). We decide how the power is by thickness for laser engraving machine(cutting machine).

The Primary Products of XT Laser—Tony

The Primary Products of XT Laser (I)


The XT Laser is professional factory which produce a series of laser equipments over 14 years in China. Jinan Xintian Technology Co.,Ltd was established in 2004,production and service of fiber laser cutting machine,fiber laser marking machine.pneumatic marking machine,laser engraving machine,laser welding machine, laser cutting machine. XT Laser has rich industry experience. When it was a small factory, we put our focus on fiber laser cutting machine, which is not like some other suppliers who turned to laser market when they found the potential of laser industry.

Because XT Laser has a wide range of products. I will do it in several chapters.

Laser Marking Machine

We have three popular models of laser marking machine. Fiber laser marking machine, Mopa laser marking machine, and Co2 laser machine. All of them use laser as the source to mark materials. The fiber laser marking machine and Mopa laser marking machine use regular fiber laser. But Co2 laser marking machine is different.The laser of Co2 laser marking machine passed through dense CO2. By this way, Co2 changed the original laser. To become a special laser. The laser come from Co2 is working on non-metal materials perfectly. So that is why, Co2 laser is a kind of popular laser machine in market. So its function is for non-metal materials‘ processing.

However, I just mentioned the source of fiber laser marking machine and Mopa laser marking machine are same. So what is the different between them? The impulse of laser from fiber laser marking machine is constant. But Mopa’s impulse will changed in every second. Actually, according the source is same. So the materials they are working on is also same. Both of them could working on all kinds of metal materials. For example, carbon steel, stainless steel, gold, silver, brass, aluminum and so on.

Why we want Mopa keep changing?

In another word, what is the different between those two?

First of all, how we let the Mopa change its impulse anytime? Because we use JPT’s Mopa laser source, this kind of laser source is designed for mopa laser marking machine. Mopa is able to color marking by change impulse. That is the biggest function of Mopa laser source. In usual, customers buy it for color-mark stainless steel and mark alumina become black color.  But Mopa’s speed is slower than fiber laser marking machine and Co2 laser machine. And fiber laser marking machine is good at marking on metal materials. It is popular one because it is not only able to mark on metal materials, it also could do part of non-metal marking. More important, in some condition, customer could adjust the power to color marking as well.

In next chapter, I will talk about more detail about laser marking machine. That will help you to find out most suitable machine for you.


Merry Christmas from XT LASER —-Max

Merry Christmas and happy New Year!

The Christmas and New Year holiday is coming near once again.

So we would like to extend our warm wishes for the upcoming holiday season and would like to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Thus may your New Year be filled with special moment, warmth, peace and happiness, the joy. And wish you all the joys of Christmas and a year of happiness.

It’s my honor to contact with you before, and my duty is to give you our best products and excellent service.Hope the next year is a prosperous and harvest year for both of us! Last but not least, once you have any inquiry about laser marking, cutting, welding and cleaning machines in the following days, hope you could feel free to contact with us. That will be much appreciated.

Yours sincerely

Best wishes to all of you..

By the way, we are looking for partners and distributors of laser marking, cutting, welding and cleaning in global.

I will updated more details soon. Your bookmark will be the biggest encourage for me.

My email: xintian109@xtlaser.com  whatsup: 0086 18353156659


Skype: xtlaser10

Mobil / whatsup / wechat008618353156659 

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0uGj6RUhTmgno4e3108fnQ

 Add: No. 316 Xinggang Road, Licheng District, Jinan City, Shandong Province, China